Tuesday, May 7, 2013

who I'll be praying for this Mother's Day

God has used my journey towards motherhood to fill my heart with an unbelievable amount of love and compassion  for women who are waiting.

These are women who may be adopting, or they could be women who are struggling with infertility 

women whose hearts are full of love for children that have not yet joined their family

women whose arms ache to hold their babies close

women with thoughts constantly on the children of their hearts-always wondering if they are safe & cared for

women who constantly answer questions like, "are you not able to have kids?" or "when are you going to have kids of your own?"

women who want nothing more than to do bedtime, bath time, and play time

women who crave the sound of little people in their houses--the pitter patter of tiny feet, the squeal of laughter, and the sound of little voices

women who battle a sadness that plagues them because of all that they're missing

women who dream of the day they'll finally meet their children

women who cling to God's promises and desperately seek to trust Him and His plan for their lives.

So, this Mother's Day, I will be praying for waiting mothers everywhere.  May they experience peace in abundance, be given strength to endure their seasons of waiting, and know the God of the universe is right beside them.

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