Friday, May 24, 2013

i would have been a terrible nurse.

Ten years ago today, I was standing on the brink of adulthood; I was graduating high school!!  I stood there with a solid plan of what I was going to do, where I was going to go, and how it was all going to work out.  Little did I know how much plans can change...

My "solid" plan turned out to be quite malleable when God took my plan and started shaping it into something very different.

Left to my own plan, I would have been a nurse (with knees that got weak at the sight of blood).  I would be married to a prison guard who played music as a hobby (while secretly dreaming of Nashville).  I would have a cute little house in my favorite place on Earth.  And, I would be perfectly content with life in my small little world.

Thankfully, though, God's plan is better than anything we can dream up or imagine!  Because of His goodness and His plan, I use my God-given ability everyday as I teach those funny little creatures known as middle-schoolers.  I am married to a former prison guard who plays music professionally (while living his dream of being in Nashville).  I have a cute little house near the world of country music and enjoy the times that we go home to my favorite place on Earth.  My small little world has been divinely fitted with a global picture window; the view out this window compels me to get outside my comfy spot in the world and be the hands and feet of Christ to a world in need.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, May 20, 2013

gallon-sized gifts

During this period of waiting, ziploc bags are used as wrapping paper, the weight of a gift matters considerably, and a trip halfway around the world is required for the gift to reach its destination.

We're looking forward to the day when Sam can open gifts with "normal" wrapping paper and receive gifts that have no weight limit.  And, we're counting down 'til we have him here with us, opening all sorts of presents!

Until then, we'll continue sending gallon-sized gifts halfway across the world to the little boy who has stolen our hearts---the little boy whom we love more than a gallon-sized gift can portray.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

a heart overwhelmed by kindness.

Sunday my heart was made happy before I even left my house. {Don't you love when that happens?}
It started with a wonderful surprise from a dear friend and was followed by some of the sweetest text messages ever from some of my favorite people.  With a happy heart, I headed to church.

At church, the mothers were recognized like they are every year--husbands, children, or grandchildren go to the front and choose a flower to take back to their mothers.  It's a form of organized chaos that is great fun to watch, which is what I was doing when the friends and flowers started coming...not only was I caught totally off-guard, I was blown away by the thoughtfulness of these dear people!  Their encouragement, kind words, and love for all three Warrens overwhelms my heart.  It leaves my voice box silent and the tear ducts on overdrive.

For everyone who helped make this Mother's Day so unexpectedly special, THANK YOU!!  This difficult time of waiting is made easier by each one of you.  Know that we are so grateful for your support and love you dearly!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

a Mother's Day surprise

Last week, a package came with a note on the box, telling me not to open it until Sunday.  Very curious.  This box has been sitting in my living room staring at me for days.  My curiosity has been growing and growing, so this morning the first thing I did when I woke up was open that box!  Inside was the best Mother's Day surprise ever, from the best friend in the whole wide world!  The contents of the box:  an airplane survival kit for our trip to Korea--everything that a mom of boys knew we would need, a cute bag with Sam's name on it--to hold all of the stuff required for little people, and the book God Found Us You--a sweet story of adoption that I can't wait to read to Sam.

Amy, our friendship is a constant source of blessing in my life!  With a husband working swing shift, your night shifts at the hospital delivering babies, and three busy boys, you still find time to walk so closely with me on this journey.  For your understanding, encouragement, thoughtfulness, prayers, and friendship I am so thankful!  I can't wait for Sam to know you, Corey, and the boys; what fun we'll all have together!!
P.S.  I LOVE everything in the box, even though the card and book made me cry like a crazy person ;).

Sam, I can't wait for the day to tell you the beautiful story of your homecoming and to tell you about the amazing people that are a part of it.  Know this, sweet boy, you are fiercely loved by many people!

Friday, May 10, 2013

eighteen months

Today you are 18 months old, which seems a little crazy to me!  You are constantly growing and changing, yet right now, we're only able to experience it through pictures.  Experiencing these things from afar doesn't change the fact that we already love you more than we could possibly begin to describe!

Our prayer for you today, and everyday, is that you would always know you are our FIRST choice; know that we loved you when there was just the thought of you and will love you forever; and know that God has a plan for your life sweet boy--of course, we're excited to have a front row seat as it unfolds!

~love you~

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

who I'll be praying for this Mother's Day

God has used my journey towards motherhood to fill my heart with an unbelievable amount of love and compassion  for women who are waiting.

These are women who may be adopting, or they could be women who are struggling with infertility 

women whose hearts are full of love for children that have not yet joined their family

women whose arms ache to hold their babies close

women with thoughts constantly on the children of their hearts-always wondering if they are safe & cared for

women who constantly answer questions like, "are you not able to have kids?" or "when are you going to have kids of your own?"

women who want nothing more than to do bedtime, bath time, and play time

women who crave the sound of little people in their houses--the pitter patter of tiny feet, the squeal of laughter, and the sound of little voices

women who battle a sadness that plagues them because of all that they're missing

women who dream of the day they'll finally meet their children

women who cling to God's promises and desperately seek to trust Him and His plan for their lives.

So, this Mother's Day, I will be praying for waiting mothers everywhere.  May they experience peace in abundance, be given strength to endure their seasons of waiting, and know the God of the universe is right beside them.

Monday, May 6, 2013

paperwork and prayer

Another update came today regarding the paperwork process.  Thankfully, things are moving forward with the first few families getting ready to travel at the end of this month.

As I read the email update, I couldn't help but think, "what does that mean for us (and the families that accepted referrals after us) if they are just now starting to process those who accepted their referrals at the beginning of 2012?"  I mean, it's already halfway through 2013...!!

The answer to this question depends on the quota and the processing time.  Based on the quota, we should be processed this calendar year--if the processing time is efficient and timely.

That processing time is such a huge variable because it depends on the government and court officials processing the paperwork without delay.

So, would you join us in praying specifically for these officials? Pray that their hearts are filled with compassion for the children and families who are in limbo; pray that this compassion fuels them to do their jobs quickly and efficiently--allowing children to join their forever families.

"Prayer is where the action is."  John Wesley

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

in all circumstances

When you think of what you're thankful for, do you add disappointments to the list?  Yeah, those don't usually make it onto my list either.  There is someone that does though, and I heard him on the radio this afternoon.

As I listened, the current period of waiting immediately came to mind, with me easily naming the disappointments--missing Sam's whole first year, not being there to watch him grow and develop, having to love him from afar and know him through pictures.

I tried to thank God for this time of waiting, but the words caught in my throat.  I would much rather have the period of waiting over with and thank God for seeing us through to the end.  This wouldn't be a problem if God didn't tell us over and over in His word to give thanks--not just when I feel like it but in all circumstances.

So, as I work to get the words that are stuck in my throat unstuck, I will give thanks to the One who uses all things for good--the disappointments of life are no exception.