Sunday, January 25, 2015

donuts masquerading as fried pies & a plan to fund Sam's college

This Friday, Sam and I got adventurous and decided to try a Korean dessert, specifically Chapssal Donuts.  They're made using a sweetened red bean paste as the stuffing.  (Fun fact:  red beans are found in quite a few Korean desserts. ) Now, I know what you're thinking, but trust me when I say that it was good!  Sam, who doesn't even like beans, ate them up.  You can't even tell that they're beans, and besides, we live in the South where anything put in dough and deep fried sells out at every State Fair below the Mason Dixon Line!  Hmmm...maybe Sam and I should perfect the recipe and try selling them at the State Fair...I think we could get some college fund money or at the very least gas money for his Crazy Coupe.

Notice there's no picture of these donuts because they looked terrible!  They were supposed to turn out as nice round balls with this delicious stuffing on the inside...well, when you're using a recipe that's in grams and trying to half it and convert it to cups, things sometimes go awry.  Our dough wasn't wanting to cooperate (read stay together to form that nice, round ball), so we went all Southern and made them like you would make a fried pie.  Looks aside, they were fun to make and to eat!

Along with this dessert, we had to eat "real food."  So, we made a trusty favorite--Korean Stir Fry using a wok that my dearest friend surprised Sam and me with.  After a long, blah work day coming home to a surprise delivery was just what my spirit needed.  And, the wok worked wonderfully!  Cooking Korean food in a wok made realize that I feel kind of...official.  Like the process and ingredients of this culture's food isn't as foreign to me anymore.  A good feeling indeed.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

her choice changed everything.

 Today in our nation's capital, thousands have gathered to take a stand against abortion and March for Life.  (This is an annual event that marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which has resulted in over 50 million babies being aborted.)

When your heart has been touched by adoption, like ours has, abortion becomes more than a news story.  You realize it for what it is: a choice that could have been made by your child's birth mother. This is a realization that never fails to make me shudder at the very thought.  It's a realization that always causes my eyes to well with tears and my heart to overflow with thankfulness.  Thankfulness that my arms hold the precious child of my heart.  Thankfulness that our house rings with the sounds of a three year old.  Thankfulness for the blessing of adoption and forever families. 

And, most of all, thankfulness for one very courageous woman.  In spite of what it could cost her, she chose LIFE.   Because of her choice, our family, our lives, and our hearts will never be the same.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

did you see that? it was the finish line!

This time last year, we were in SK.  After waiting for what seemed like years, we boarded a plane, flew halfway around the world, and anxiously awaited the moment when we would meet our son.  We were nervous, relieved, excited, happy, scared, overjoyed, and overwhelmed. Above all, we were THANKFUL that our time of radio silence, our time of waiting and wondering, our time of expecting/hoping/dreaming, our time of white knuckle gripping our tiny mustard seed of faith was drawing to a close.  Our adoption journey finish line was in sight, and not even a Boeing 777 could get me there fast enough!

Just like parents who never forget their time in the delivery room, we will never forget the day we first laid eyes on the child that we had carried in our hearts.  I have thought of that day a lot during this past year, marveling at the goodness of my Heavenly Father.  How amazing that He would choose two very imperfect people to parent one of His precious children.

Now one year later, we're making Korean BBQ Chicken pizza for the Friday night special and playing choo-choos like we've never been apart. Truly amazing.

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."  Psalm 126:3

Monday, January 12, 2015

recent happenings

To keep a blog current, one needs a working computer (which I no longer have since mine finally, after threatening it for the past two months, gave up the ghost) OR one needs husband's work computer, which isn't being used because husband is watching football.  Yay for football and for husband's who let their work computer be used for things besides work :).

Wanted--one long, uninterrupted nap:  Let me just say that I am still tired from Christmas "break."  My poor house is evidence of the fact that I'm dragging my tail feathers behind me and can't seem to catch up on sleep or housework.  {I am maintaining it enough that if Sam were to eat off the floor, which he's been known to do, that he wouldn't need a tetanus shot.}

Sam's New Hobby:  Sam got invited to his first birthday party, which he was very excited about.  I figured out what he was mostly excited for when he said, "Open up presents?"  We had to have the talk that he opened presents at his party in November, and now it's Callie's turn to open presents.  Ever since Christmas, his new hobby is opening presents..even ones that don't have his name on them.

One bottle of aspirin and earplugs, please:  Did I mention the party was at Chuck E. Cheese????  When we were leaving, Sam was asking me if he could play more tomorrow at Chuck E. Cheese...of course, I responded as I quickly hightailed it out of there.  He doesn't need to know that it'll probably be many, many tomorrows before we return to the Place Where Time Stands Still.

Having a Party for "No Good Reason:"  Sam woke up from nap on Friday crying to go to the party and not understanding that the party wasn't until Saturday.  This led to us deciding to have a pre-party party for the Friday night special.  After making and eating PB&J "sushi rolls," we ate cheesecake and ice cream.  And, we played everyone's favorite party game, Pin the SmokeStack on Thomas, which made for some very funny pictures--you know those kind of pictures that you turn in to the yearbook or senior slideshow ;).

Saturday, January 3, 2015

WarrenFamily3.0 Christmas Special

Last year, as we waited for the BIG day, 
we were celebrating our final Christmas as a family of two.

This year, we had our sweet Sam HOME where he belongs and had an incredible time celebrating our first Christmas as a family of three.   The memories we made were plentiful and will be thought of often; they'll no doubt fill our hearts with warmth each and every time we sit and remember.

To the Giver of every good and perfect gift, thank you for the precious gift of allowing us to be Sam's parents.  May we honor You in the way we raise him, always pointing him to his Heavenly Father.