Sunday, May 12, 2013

a Mother's Day surprise

Last week, a package came with a note on the box, telling me not to open it until Sunday.  Very curious.  This box has been sitting in my living room staring at me for days.  My curiosity has been growing and growing, so this morning the first thing I did when I woke up was open that box!  Inside was the best Mother's Day surprise ever, from the best friend in the whole wide world!  The contents of the box:  an airplane survival kit for our trip to Korea--everything that a mom of boys knew we would need, a cute bag with Sam's name on it--to hold all of the stuff required for little people, and the book God Found Us You--a sweet story of adoption that I can't wait to read to Sam.

Amy, our friendship is a constant source of blessing in my life!  With a husband working swing shift, your night shifts at the hospital delivering babies, and three busy boys, you still find time to walk so closely with me on this journey.  For your understanding, encouragement, thoughtfulness, prayers, and friendship I am so thankful!  I can't wait for Sam to know you, Corey, and the boys; what fun we'll all have together!!
P.S.  I LOVE everything in the box, even though the card and book made me cry like a crazy person ;).

Sam, I can't wait for the day to tell you the beautiful story of your homecoming and to tell you about the amazing people that are a part of it.  Know this, sweet boy, you are fiercely loved by many people!

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