Sunday, November 17, 2013

deliver to: our sweet sam

There are several families in our adoption agency who are preparing to travel for court or to pick up their babies.  As we wait for our travel date, we're realizing all of the things that we'll need to take with us. (When traveling overseas, I wonder if there's such a thing as "traveling light.")  This realization makes us even more thankful for the families who have gone before us and generously offered space in their luggage for our gallon-sized gifts.  Their generosity makes it possible for us to send gifts to Sam, and for that, we're so grateful.

Here's another gallon-sized gift headed your way, sweet boy! Depending on these small gifts to show you love won't last much longer because we'll be coming to love on you in person!  Until then...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Paperwork submitted to court!!!! Woohoo!!!!

Our paperwork was submitted to court today :0)!  We're so very thankful for the continued progress, especially after enduring months of waiting for the smallest something to happen.  It seems like we're finally on the downhill slide with the end in sight.

Being submitted to court means a judge will review the paperwork and then schedule a court date.  This part of the process is expected to take a few weeks.  (We're praying for it to happen quickly and without delay.)

For all you amazing prayer warriors, who are storming the gates of heaven on our behalf, join with us in praying for a few things specific to this step in the process:
-for the judge's review to go quickly and smoothly.
-for a court date to be issued soon.
-for us to travel for court before the end of the year.

Thank you for your prayers, love, and support!!  I'm continually blown away by your kindness to us during this time!

And, to the One who has called us and placed us on this journey, may all glory go to You!  Thank you for hearing the cries of our hearts and answering us when we call!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sam!!

Today is your day--happy birthday, sweet boy!  It's hard to believe that I've carried you in my heart since you were a baby, and now you're TWO.  Even though you're not here to celebrate, I pray you have a wonderful day, filled with fun and excitement.  We're counting down to the day we bring you home--oh, what a celebration that will be!  Until then...

Monday, November 4, 2013

BIG News: paperwork released, EP received!!!

November started off with news we've been waiting and praying for--our paperwork has been released from the SK government!!!  This means that Sam was given Emigration Permission (EP), which allows him to receive a visa to leave the country.  Receiving EP is a very big step, and we're thankful that we've finally reached this point!  We are so much closer to bringing our Sam home!!

In case you're wondering what's next...the next step is receiving a court date.  Our paperwork has left the government and will be submitted to the court.  The court officials will give us a court date, and we'll travel for the first time to attend court and meet our boy :).  We all know by now that this adoption journey has timelines that are tentative at best, so to say when all this will happen is a little difficult.  As things stand now, we should receive a court date within the month. (Not travel within a month but find out when we'll travel)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers on our behalf!  Without your prayers, support, love, and encouragement this journey would be much more difficult; we are truly blessed by to have such wonderful friends and family.  Blessings to you!