Saturday, February 14, 2015

the many forms of love

Valentine's Day.  The time of year when love looks like flowers, chocolate, and candy (or a turkey convention if you're like some dear friends of ours ;).  As new parents, love in our house has never looked so different.  During this past year love has taken on many forms--some of which are harder to recognize than others--but no matter if it's wrapped in the extravagant or hidden in the mundane everyday, it's genuine.

It has looked like a trip to the other side of the world with my One and Only to follow the call on our hearts * a little boy with fuzzy black hair and black eyes that gleam with a certain mischievous quality * celebrating ten years of marriage in one of our favorite places * holding the hand of my One and Only to gain reassurance and strength for the journey * a melted heart whenever I  hear the words, "Love you, too, Mama" * unexpected Amazon surprises * a piece of chocolate savored together in the blissful quiet * a tiny hand holding ours * couch time and Downton Abbey on the DVR * snippets of good conversation before the inevitable interruption comes * tag-team parenting so work can be done * Korean food on Friday nights * running to the store for milk and bringing back chocolate * Valentine cookies, made by our sweet Sam, that include a flower & a candy cane * a Heavenly Father who meets me in the quiet of the morning, who loves us with an everlasting love, and who has blessed me with two incredible Valentines to love on each and every day.

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