Tuesday, September 3, 2013

what I want sam to know

Tragedy is, unfortunately, a part of life.  It sneaks up on people and changes their "normal."  This is what's happened to a family I know through school, and my heart breaks for a mother and son living out a new normal.  It also makes me think of Sam--how I would I react, what would I tell him, how would I help his heart heal??  There aren't any easy answers to those questions..

Oh, sweet, Sam,
Life can be hard, and it's far from fair.  Sometimes, bad things happen to good people for seemingly no reason at all.  It's times like these when you'll wonder where God is or why He would allow such things.  These are questions that most everyone has at some point, and they're questions that indicate a fork in the road of life.  God is always present, even when it doesn't seem like it. When tragedy hits, it's not because God has taken a break or left you.  Like a fork in the road, there are only two options here: God is always with us or He's not.  What you believe here will dictate how you respond to everything around you and determine what direction you head on the road of life.

As for why God allows certain things, I don't know.  But, go back to that fork in the road; there are only two options here:  God is in control and will work all things for our good or He is not in control and can't keep bad things from happening.  If you believe that God is in control, then you will be able to better survive the hard times in life.  You may not always understand them, but trust that God will, one day, make all things right.  This will give you a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.

I don't know how to explain answers to all the hard questions in life, but I know that what God's word says is always true--He is always with us and He works all things together for the good of those who love Him.  Don't let the tragedies and hardships of life cause you to distance yourself from your Heavenly Father.  Draw near to Him in all circumstances, and He will give you the peace that you seek.

Love you, sweet boy, more than you know!

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