Tuesday, September 17, 2013

14 months of waiting

According to the latest update, there is a family who has received their court date and another family who is getting ready to travel for their baby!  Both of these families are, obviously, ahead of us in the "paperwork line."

There's no way to tell how long our paperwork will be in the government.  This Thursday it will be three weeks since it was submitted.  We are so, so thankful that it has finally been submitted, and we are praying that it moves through the government swiftly.  Specifically, I'm praying that we are able to travel for the first time before the end of this year.

The majority of the wait is behind us--14 months of waiting to be exact.  I would love to be able to say that it's become easier to bear since we've had so much practice, but that's not the case.  The wait is still difficult, with some days being harder than others.

Would you join with us in praying for a few things?
--for our paperwork to be processed quickly and without delay, allowing us to travel before the end of this year.
--for our hearts and minds to have peace during the wait
--for the One who called us to be honored in the way we wait on Him.

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