Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"they endure because of the joy to come."

At the risk of sounding like a complete nerd, I'm going to let you in on a little secret about myself....I have a habit of collecting words.  (You're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about..keep reading, and I'll explain.)

My little collection of words is made up of words that stir my soul, speak directly to my heart, cause me to laugh, smile, or cry.  They are words written together in such a way that they leave me thinking, "Oh, how I wish I had written that!"

Imagine my joy last week when I ran across a sentence that I could add to my collection ;).  From the book I was reading, these words jumped out at me--"They endure because of the joy that is to come."

I love this sentence because it's the perfect answer for a question that I get asked a lot---how do you do it??

So, how and why do we endure the emotional roller coaster known as the adoption process; how and why do we wait, while having no exact time for when the waiting will end?  They endure because of the joy that is to come.

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