Friday, March 22, 2013

for my pseudo-sib, a teacher in the making

To my pseudo-sib,
I am so excited and happy that you've been accepted into the College of Education.  You are going to be an awesome teacher!  Below is what I learned after I left college, and I couldn't resist passing it along.

*You will never make enough money teaching to be considered rich.  You will, however, be rich in the moments that warm your heart--those moments when a student finally "gets it" after working so hard, those moments when your hard work is validated by a simple thank you, those moments that make you laugh long after they're over.

*It won't take long to realize that the work day usually begins before 8 and ends long after the kids have gone home.  And, summer isn't really a break because you'll spend a lot of those days at in-services, learning the latest greatest methods of teaching.  You'll do all this willingly though because you know it's for the good of the children.

*There are many experts in the field of teaching.  These experts can be found everywhere:  radio, t.v., Wal-Mart, gas stations, and even the Halls of Congress.  They will say things like, "Well, if I was a teacher..." or "What you need to do is..."  When you encounter one of these helpful experts that want to dispense their advice, politely nod your head and hurry yourself out of there ;).

*Hard days will come.  You will feel unappreciated, misunderstood, underpaid, and overworked.  You'll question why you're doing what you're doing and desperately want a job stuffing envelopes instead of working with people as a public servant.  Instead of giving into the temptation to throw in the towel, go to the One who has called you and let His word soothe your weary soul.

*You'll teach more than academics.  Each day as students watch you interact with those around you, they will notice how you communicate effectively, handle yourself under pressure, problem solve, and treat those around you.  These are the most valuable lessons you can teach; these are lessons that will carry them far in their adult lives.

*Teaching gives you the opportunity to invest in the future--a daunting (but fulfilling) task.  The belief that you're investing in children's lives will make you determined enough to take on this daunting task without a second thought.   {P.S.  Purchase a pair of Ninja Turtle socks.  Wear them when you have an especially daunting task ahead of you.  You'll kick butt.}

1 comment:

  1. You went and made me cry. I can't tell you how much this means to me, Sarah. I am so blessed to have teachers in my life to look up to and know that I can go to with any questions I might have-- and you're the jackpot, a teacher pseudo-sibling! Love you so much!
