Tuesday, February 5, 2013

to: Teenage Sam

This past Sunday, our youth led the service at church.  It is always fun to watch them because they are so expressive and passionate about life.  I stood watching them with my mind racing years into the future, picturing Sam standing there as a teenager.  And, I started thinking, what would I tell "Teenage Sam" if he was here now....

-Wondering who you are and where you fit into life is common during this period of life, but don't lose heart or get discouraged.  Find your identity in Christ, sweet Sam; the rest will fall into place.

-Some may tell you that truth is relative--fitting each person's opinions and desires, but this is not the case.  God's truth is absolute and unchanging.  Know it and obey it; you'll never regret it.

-While looking to the future and anxiously counting down to the day when you're all grown up and on your own, don't miss the opportunities that are right in front of you.  Live in the present and look for God's divine appointments and blessings.

-There are decisions that have lasting consequences.  Make decisions thoughtfully and carefully; don't let one bad or impulsive decision strap you with unwanted long-term consequences.

-Disappointments, both small and big, will happen.  Although these disappointments will cause heartache, frustration, anger, and/or sadness, they will not trigger the end of the world.  Let God heal your hurt and disappointment, and then, move forward.  God has greater plans for you than we can imagine.

-"Being real" does not require rudeness.  It seems to me that many teenagers struggle with this, and I don't want you to be one of them.  I want you to be authentic and genuine, to state your thoughts and opinions, to stand for what you believe it, but I want and expect you to do this with love, respect, and kindness every single time. 

-Teenagers do not have special powers that make them invincible.  This means that all the crazy things that teenage boys do can cause you to get hurt.  Trust me on this.

-Your dad and I love you more than you know; no matter how old you get you'll always be our sweet Sam.

~Sincerely, your totally awesome and cool parents~

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