Wednesday, February 13, 2013

times of change=opportunities to exercise faith

Several days ago, we got an update on Sam, and it contained something that was totally unexpected.  Apparently, Sam has been moved to another foster family (don't panic--he is fine).  From everything written in the report and from what our adoption worker said, Sam is doing well--despite the upset of a transition.

For days, I've struggled with two things regarding this:  I have no control over what happens to our sweet boy during this period, even though everything in me feels like his Mama and wants to be a part of the decision making that affects him.  And, I don't want him to be upset in anyway, so to think that he's had to get adjusted to another family is hard since I know that he doesn't understand what's going on.

But, God doesn't leave us to struggle with things, does He?  He has graciously filled my heart with the peace that only He can give, and He's reminded me of the many things that we have to be thankful for--Sam is being loved on and cared for; he is growing and developing; he attached quickly to his new foster family, which is a good sign for when we bring him home and need him to attach to us.  He's brought us to this point, and He'll see us through the rest of this journey.

Like any Mama, I have to learn to trust the One that knit my sweet baby together, for He loves him more than we can imagine.  This time of waiting is filled with opportunities to put that trust into practice.

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