Sunday, July 28, 2013

the biggest update yet

My heart is still rejoicing from the phone call we got Friday morning...the adoption agency called to let us know that we would be in the next group submitted to the government!!  (a big milestone!)

Being submitted to the government means the paperwork will be processed and approved for emigration (necessary for babies to leave the country).  After the government finishes with our paperwork, we'll be given a court date.

Now, we're not sure of the exact day when our group's paperwork will be submitted, but we know it won't be in the next week or anything.  It'll probably be in the next month or so.

The wait continues, and it's difficult to say how much longer it will be since there are so many variables, like how long the government will take to process our paperwork.  However, simply knowing that we're in the next group to be processed makes the waiting easier to bear.  The light at the end of the tunnel has grown a little brighter, and for this we are so very thankful!!

THANK YOU all for continuing to wait with us--praying and encouraging, always when we need it most.

And, thanks be to the One who has called us and who hears our prayers!  His goodness leaves my heart overwhelmed.

"What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to me?" Psalm 116:12

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