Tuesday, April 9, 2013

that long forgotten little hole in the floor

A few weekends ago, I noticed that our cats were acting crazy each time they got near the fireplace--hissing and carrying on before tearing off down the hall at breakneck speed.  I remember asking Jeremy to make sure there wasn't a mouse hiding in the fireplace.  That was Friday night.  Saturday rolled around, and the cats were still acting weird.  Jeremy promised to get a mouse trap.  Sunday came and brought with it a nasty surprise--a snake!  And, it was laid out on the floor in front of the fireplace as if it owned the place!  Of course, this sent me into a frenzy and (thankfully) sent Jeremy into take charge mode. {That husband of mine really is wonderful.}

Turns out the snake found a (long forgotten) little hole in the floor under the fireplace and had used that opening to invite himself into our house--invading our space and peace of mind.  Needless to say--because of Jeremy's awesome snake-killing skills, the hole is now repaired, and our house is snake-free.

I'm thinking that this is the way it happens when fear, doubt, worry, and sin creep into our lives.  It happens when we get distracted by things that don't matter and forsake spending time in God's word and His presence; thus, creating small cracks and holes in the guard around our hearts.  Fear, doubt, worry, and sin use these cracks to invite themselves into our lives--causing us to forget our purpose and stealing our peace of mind.  So, let's board up the cracks and holes with God's word and enjoy the peace and joy that comes  as a result.

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