Monday, July 9, 2012

The BIGGEST news so far!

From the beginning of this journey, I've often said that we weren't sure where we would end up, but we were trusting God to lead us.  We were planning to adopt a little girl from Russia, and we were expecting to be matched with her after Christmas.  But....a couple of weeks ago, we received a call about a baby boy in South Korea!!!  We truly believe that God brought this baby to us, and we are so, so, so excited.  He is the cutest baby that I've ever seen, and I love him so much already!!!!  We received official approval from the orphanage in South Korea this week, so we're all that much closer to bringing him home!

By receiving a referral at a later date, we were expecting to have months to gather the country fee.  God saw fit to bring us a referral much, much sooner than we expected though.  Now, we need to pay the country fee for South Korea, and we need to pay it asap.  I know God is in control of this and has brought us this far, but I have days where I can't see how we're going to get the 18,000 needed.  Would you join with us in prayer that God would provide us with the money needed to complete this process?  And, pray for our sweet baby boy that is waiting for us to bring him home!

To God be the Glory Great Things He Has Done (and will do)

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