Saturday, October 27, 2012

Matt's take on life

Sam, today is a special day because it's your Uncle Matt's birthday.  He is a very special member of our family who has an amazing insight when it comes to scripture. He has a very unique way of teaching us all about what matters in life.

** Your daddy and I had not been married long and were living in an apartment.  Matt had come to stay with us at our apartment, and we were talking about how I wanted to buy a house and that it would be even better if we could build one.  His matter of fact response was that we "needed to build our house on the rock because that's what the Bible tells us to do."  Your Uncle Matt's view of scripture is very literal.  He doesn't take the parts that he likes and discards the rest.  He doesn't put his own spin on it; he simply believes it and lives it out each day.  If the Bible says it, Matt believes it for the truth that it is.

**Two weeks after we got the call about you, we were at the beach for the weekend.  Matt and I were in the ocean, and Matt mentioned coming back to the beach next summer.  I told him that I hoped to be in South Korea picking you up although I had no idea how we were going to get the 25k that we needed.  His simple reply, "Trust God.  He will give you the $25,000."  His love for God and God's word allows him to have faith even the most impossible situations.  It flows out of him, encouraging those around him at just the right times.

--Extra, extra:  a funny Matt story that makes me laugh each time I think of it----during that same beach trip, Matt came up out of the water and said that the water was burning his eyes.  I explained it was the salt that was in it, and he needed to keep his eyes closed under water.  The next day, we were in the ocean again.  He comes up from the water and says, "they put too much salt in this water."  I asked who had put it in there, and he said, "the hotel people had."  In between my fits of laughter, I told him that he needed to talk to the good Lord about the salt content of the water since He was the one who put it in there. Love it! :0)

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