Monday, October 13, 2014

the late friday night special: pajeon & kimchi-less fried rice

My method of cooking is make it work/use what you have/ingredient lists are merely suggestions, and I employed this tried and true method for this past Friday's special--Kimchi-less Fried Rice and Pajeons.  Sam never knew the fried rice was missing kimchi and ate the vegetables that I added in place of it.  {See, I told you ingredient lists are just suggestions.}  Along with the rice, I tried a new recipe for a pajeon*, which is a savory pancake with vegetables, seafood, etc. cooked into it.  I know the words "savory" and "pancake" seem weird when put together, but it was actually pretty good and didn't have any really crazy ingredients.  It's a good dish to make/eat if you're wanting to try Korean food without eating something like seaweed soup...
Supper ended with an empty bowl and a full tummy for a certain little boy, so I would chalk this Friday night special up to a success!

Pictures...thanks to the computer being crazy again, just imagine Sam stuffing rice into his mouth while Pepper looks on with her most pitiful "feed me" gaze. :0)

*According to my internet research, pajeon is eaten when it rains in SK.  (I'm not sure why, but maybe it's comforting to them like a warm bowl of chili is to us on a cold day.)  Store this tidbit of information away for future use in case you're ever on Jeopardy; you can thank me for it later ;).

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