This week marked seven months since we brought you home! You have grown and changed so much in seven months. Not wanting to miss anything, I've really tried to notice all the changes--watching your vocabulary grow, counting the new words you learn, celebrating milestones reached. But, the other day I was forced to admit that maybe you've changed more than I realized....
At some point, you changed your name to from Sam to Thomas without mentioning it to us. Thankfully, I was made aware of the change when you told the lady at the fabric store your name was Thomas.
Another change that snuck up on me is in your level of independence. I recognize that you're growing more and more independent but didn't know that you had reached the level of being so independent that you go out and get a job! Apparently, you're now working on the railroad and loving every minute of it. I'm still trying to find out how you get back and forth to work each day...maybe the Cozy Coupe?? I have noticed it's using a lot more gas than it used to....
Now, I admit to missing some of these changes that have happened right under my nose, but I simply cannot understand how you've aged so much in just seven months. You are telling people that you're nine years old! What happened to years 3-8?!?! And, if you're nine that means that I'm....past thirty...well past thirty....this does not do good things for the fine lines I'm trying to keep at bay.
With your increase in age, you have taken on a more mature appearance. You've told me and told me about this mustache you have, but I still haven't been able to see it--even with the closest of inspections. I guess with your ability to age years in mere months, you also have the ability to grow invisible mustaches. This is a change that I'm glad I can't see because it would make me feel so very old to see you with a mustache!
Oh, my sweet boy, what a seven months it's been! I'm so glad you're home and love you so much--even when you make me feel old ;).
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