Sunday, May 25, 2014

road trip ready

The suitcases are packed and loaded into the car.  The bag holding Sam's snacks is located nearby, so I can get to it easily.  There's nothing else to do but get on the road and head toward the homeland!  While I am so excited for Sam to meet our friends and family, I'm also a little nervous.  Since having him home these past two months, we've worked to make his world stable and predictable.  Now, we'll put that to the test as we take our first road trip with him, sleeping somewhere else and meeting a lot of new people--all of whom want to see him :).

The challenge is going to be making sure that he feels safe and secure, even though he's experiencing so many different things.  It's natural for any person to be anxious in new situations and to wonder what's coming next.  However, because of what Sam has experienced, his interpretation of new situations may be different than most people's.  He'll definitely be wondering what's coming next, but he'll also probably be wondering if he's going to have to go with any of the new people he's meeting.  {The previous new people-us- he met and played with did end up "taking him."}

We've prepared him as much as we could and stressed over and over that "mama, uppa, and Sam" are going here and coming back, etc.  The only thing left is for him to experience this and see that he's still with us.  All this may sound a little crazy to some, but it's just another example of how things are done differently when your child is a toddler when he comes home.

If you have an extra spot on your prayer list, pray for us this week.  Pray for our sweet boy to know that Jeremy and I aren't going anywhere without him and for him to have a great time meeting his extended family!

Monday, May 19, 2014

the rug in sam's room

By day, it's where block towers are built and train tracks are laid.  It's the place where books are read and Lincoln Log cabins are constructed.  It's where laughter can be heard and imagination runs free.  And, when a certain little boy {read: cat chaser} is no where to be seen, it's the favorite spot of one fluffy cat named Lucy.

But, when night arrives, it becomes something else entirely.  When night arrives, it's the place where one tired mama finds herself on her knees, praying to the Father.  It's where a mama's heart is poured out for the child of her heart.  It's the place where much needed wisdom is asked for.  It's a place of thanksgiving and praise to the One who has blessed her beyond all measure and given her the sweet boy who is sleeping so soundly that he's unaware of the conversation taking place.

"Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord; lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children.." Lamentations 2:19

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

rainy days & rubber boots

Today marks TWO months home for our sweet boy!  And, Sam and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate than playing in the rain :).  Thanks to the rubber boots gifted to him by his Aunt Andy (and to the fact that he actually allowed them on his feet), the puddles left by the rain were no obstacle for Sam.  In fact, the rubber boots were a magnet, pulling him to every drop of water he saw.  Before we came inside, we stomped in every puddle we could find and even fed a donkey or two.

A wonderful two months and a wonderful day with my sweet Sam--my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude to the Giver of every good and perfect gift!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

the Mother's Day I've been waiting for

Two Mother's Days came and went during the 21 months that we waited for Sam.  On these days, I often felt that I would always be a mother by heart only--carrying Sam only in my heart but never in my arms. (I know that sounds dramatic and illogical to say, "never," but feelings often aren't logical, are they?)  It was hard to know where I fit on those days, too.  With every fiber in me, I felt like Sam's mom, but legally, I had not been declared his mother; not to mention the fact, that he was half a world away--too far for me to mother him in the typical sense.  These were days that I would cling, often white knuckled, to the hope I had in the One who created Sam and knew he'd be our son.

So, with all of that, you can imagine the excitement that I have felt about this Mother's Day!  On this morning and every morning, I am so thankful to hear a tiny voice calling for, "mama" although it usually is a tad on the early side.  I am so thankful for the little boy who wants to hold my hand as we go down the road, even if my arm goes numb.  I am so thankful that my sweet Sam was sitting beside me on the pew this Mother's Day morning, even though he had no idea what all the fuss was about as mothers were recognized.

What a blessing it is being your mama!  You are a precious gift from God, and I will cherish you always and forever.  Your sense of humor and outlook on life makes me laugh, and your sweet spirit fills my heart with joy.  You are the child of my heart, and I'll always thank God for you.

{Join with me in praying for those mothers who carry children in their hearts; may their children come home sooner rather than later, and may they press into their Creator as they wait.}

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

walk a while in these shoes

I was vacuuming this morning, and I moved Sam's new shoes from behind his basketball goal, where they've been  laying all alone for weeks, collecting dust.  I'm waging war on the dust bunnies and notice he's playing with a shoe.  "Oh, look, he's playing with one of them--Yay! He's actually showing an interest in them," I thought.

The chores were done, and I was getting him dressed to go play outside.  "What if..," I thought.  So, I casually told him to go get the shoes and put them on.  (His black ones were in another room, leaving just the news ones in view.)  Imagine my shock when he DID IT!!  Yippee, I'm thinking...and inwardly I dance toward the door.  On the way, he spots his shoes and told me he was "all done" with the new ones...oh, no, here it goes--except I asked if I could take his picture before he changed shoes.  I really intended to let him change shoes after the pictures, but he forgot about it and took off toward the door.  Back to dancing toward the door as I bask in the glow of progress.

Once outside, he walked around for awhile like a newborn baby calf and at one point actually started  limping when I told him to use his new shoes to kick the ball.

There's no telling if he'll do the same tomorrow or not, but that's okay because, no matter what, we'll celebrate this step forward.

I'll keep you posted ;).

Saturday, May 3, 2014

the liebster award

To me, the Liebster Award is kinda like Amish Friendship Bread; it's passed around to those you want to encourage and give a little something sweet to, except it's for bloggers.  Lisa, whom I met last year at an adoption ed class, was sweet enough to nominate me for this award (yay!).  Lisa and her family are in the process of adopting a little girl from Taiwan.  She is the author of the blog SmushedKisses.  Take a look at her blog and encourage her as she journeys toward the day when she'll bring her daughter home.  During the adoption process, the smallest bit of encouragement can go a long way!

Based on the "rules," I have to answer the questions Lisa asked me and give 11 random facts about myself.  Here it goes--
Why did you start blogging? I started blogging to document our adoption journey and along the way discovered that I not only enjoyed it immensely but it was incredibly therapeutic for me during the very long wait for Sam.
What is a fond childhood memory you have? The day my little brother finally got the hang of riding a two-wheel bike.  My sister and I had worked with him for days, and we were so excited when he finally got it!
Have you started any new traditions for your family? If so, what? Birthday Week--we celebrate birthdays for a week and get a small present each day during that time.  It's my favorite week of the year!
What scares you? Snakes!  This fear was made worse by one getting in my HOUSE...I still have flashbacks.  Yuck.
What is your guilty pleasure? Tea, tea, and more tea.
What is an accomplishment of yours that you’re most proud of? Blowing the Praxis tests out of the water---these are tests I had to take to become a certified teacher.
Dogs or cats? Why? Cats.  Definitely cats.  They're soft, cuddly, and quiet.  Plus, they purr :).
If money were no object and you could vacation anywhere, where would it be? At the risk of sounding like a complete nerd, I'm going to have to say that I would go to every one of our National Parks.  Go watch Ken Burns' PBS documentary on the Parks and tell me you're not inspired to do the same ;).  {Besides 20+ hour plane rides aren't required.}
What is your favorite post on your blog, and why?  Any and every post that I wrote specifically to Sam is my favorite because they made me feel connected to him even though we were miles apart.  A particular favorite would be the one I wrote for "teenage Sam."  Teaching Middle School has given me a firsthand glimpse at how hard it is to be a teenager in today's world, and I desperately want Sam to hold fast to what is good during that time.  A favorite that's not a post to Sam has to do with some of my very favorite people, who just so happen to provide beautiful examples of marriage.
If you could only do your hair or makeup, which would you choose, and why? It would have to be hair.  There's simply too much of it to not wash and brush it often.
What is your favorite candy?  Chocolate in almost any variety.

11 Random Facts about Me:
~I'm a Southpaw.
~I took French in high school but am far from fluent in it.
~I'm not a fan of deep water.  (Let's just say Jeremy will be in charge of teaching Sam to swim.)
~To me, gumbo is an appropriate food to eat for breakfast.
~Reading is my  favorite thing to do when I'm not chasing after Sam.  And, yes, I know that makes me sound like a nerd.
~Jeremy has said that I "know how to rattle those pots and pans."  I think this means I'm a good cook.
~My dream job would be working for the FBI investigating white collar crime.
~In high school I ran the 1 mile and 2 mile races at track meets; today my running is limited to racing Sam down the driveway.
~I'm a little bit of a control freak...and God has given me a son who appears to be the same way...interesting combination ;).
~I married my love at the ripe old age of 19.
~Louisiana is my home sweet home.

Drum roll, are the nominees I have chosen.....
1.  Melody Cook--my psueduo-sib and fellow old soul writes Melody's Musings.  Check it out and encourage her to write more :0).
2.  Jes Tidwell--being a mom to 5 and a pastor's wife means there's always something to write about.  You can read about her adventures of motherhood and life at Jestidwell's Blog.
3.  Laura Parker--we've never met in person, but we used the same adoption agencies and brought our boys home from SK close to the same time.  Her blog is A Seoulful Home; make sure and check it out, too!

Questions for my nominees:
1.  Why did you start blogging?
2.  Have you ever been out of the country?  If so, where?
3.  What is your guilty pleasure?
4.  What music could you listen to on repeat?
5.  What is your favorite post on your blog?  Why?
6.  Do you have any hobbies?
7.  If your personality were a color, what would it be and why?
8.  Is there a recurring dream that you have?  Tell us about it ;).
9.  Have you ever met someone famous?
10. Do you prefer a trip to the beach or a trip to the mountains?
11.  What was your first job?

Okay, nominees, here are the RULES :).
1.  Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
2.  Share 11 random facts about yourself.
3.  List some bloggers with less than 1000 followers who you feel deserve some recognition and        encouragement.
4.  Notify the bloggers you nominated by leaving a comment on their blog.
5.  Create a list of 11 questions for your nominated bloggers to answer.
6.  Thank your award presenter by linking back to their blog.
7.  Have fun with it!