Sunday, June 28, 2015

so long June!

May was a month that really beat me up; it was full of the usual busyness coupled with some added personal responsibilities and the stress of tying up loose ends before passing the reigns onto the brave soul coming in to take my teaching spot; not to mention the hard reality that one of my very favorite people on the planet was nearing the end of this life.

Then, came June to finish what May had started.  June started with a high note--Sam's first ever VBS experience.  VBS is one of my favorite things, but it is so tiring.  Two weeks of VBS in a row?  Exhausting.  The second week of June brought the death of my Aunt, a second trip to the homeland for all that goes with saying goodbye, and anxiety overload.  Overload to the point of embarrassing.

So, with two days left in June, I'm clicking my heels together!  Mostly because those last two days in June will be spent in a place where my soul always finds rest--the mountains.  I may or may not come depends if I can convince Jeremy to cash it all in for a secluded cabin in the Smokies.  Here's to hoping!

P.S.  The brightest spot during all this craziness was that Jeremy and I marked our 11th wedding anniversary; there's nothing sweeter than growing old with your best friend!  Mushy but true :).

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