Change. It's coming soon to our corner of the world. Thankfully, it's the good kind of change.
Come the end of May, I will go from being part-time teacher/full-time mom to just full-time mom!
Saying that I am thrilled would be an understatement :0). My time spent waiting for Sam ( and missing the first two years) cemented one thing for me: the greatest desire of my heart was to stay at home with Sam, pouring into his little life and watching him grow and develop.
We still have a good two years before we have to think about Sam and school (thankful for late birthdays), so I intend to make the most of our time at home together. Because one thing is certain, the time will fly by at warp speed. Schools needing teachers will always be there; time at home with the child of my heart is a momentary blessing that I wouldn't miss for the life of me.
Here's to the next two years--may it be spent creating sidewalk chalk art and memories that will bury into our hearts for a lifetime.
And, to the best job in the world--may the Lord give me strength, wisdom, and grace to do it well!
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