Thursday, March 12, 2015

celebrating our first Gotcha Day

 The calendar tells me it was one year ago today, but I remember it like it was yesterday.  It is a day that will be with me forever.  It's a day that I'll never forget.  The day that we took custody of our sweet boy; the hardest and best day of our lives.  I remember standing in our room at the guest house as Sam screamed for Ooma and looking at Jeremy with a panic-stricken, 'what now' expression.  Jeremy's response was a simple and matter of fact, "It'll get better."  In that moment, I couldn't see far enough down the road to see how right he would prove to be....

One year later...oh, how right he was!

How much better it is can be heard in the laughter and silliness of a little boy who squealed with delight as we played a made-up game with balloons and pool noodles.  {Around here pool noodles aren't seasonal items.  They're used year round for things like sword fights, cat chasing, hurdle jumping, surprise attacks etc.}

How much better it is can be seen in a mama walking hand in hand with the child of her heart, looking for "moos."  {code word for cows}

How much better it is was reflected on the faces of each member of WarrenFamily3.0 as we gathered around the dinner table and celebrated all this day means to us.  {Included were party must haves: balloons--albeit a little beat up, cheesecake, and presents}

How much better it is can be felt in the recesses of my heart which became completely overwhelmed as I reflected on all God has done; as tears streamed down my face, I was amazed anew at His incredible love and goodness.

How much better it is can be witnessed every day in the contentment of one precious son who has moved past the trauma/grief and spends each day with his Mama and Uppa at "Lucy Roux House" playing choo-choos and doing little boy things {read: meddling into that which does not fall into the toy category} ;).

To God be the glory; great things He has done!

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