Wednesday, March 26, 2014

signs in the night

Two weeks ago today, Sam went through the most traumatic experience any child can go through.  In the amount of time it took for elevator doors to close, he was taken from the only family and home he knew and surrounded by two people who looked nothing like what he was used to and spoke a language he did not understand.

Watching him play and interact with us during the day makes it hard to believe that this happened a mere two weeks ago.  He's adjusting so well and so quickly that it blows us away, but it's at night that signs of this trauma are still seen.  While Sam took to the time difference with no problem, his sleep is still restless and fitful.  After watching him for several nights and talking to our adoption agency, it seems that the cause of his restless sleep is bad dreams.  Needless to say, it's heart wrenching to hear him crying out in his sleep, knowing that we can do nothing to stop the dreams.  As his mama and daddy, we desperately want to make the bad dreams go away, but we are powerless to do so.  Instead, we're there beside him, comforting and soothing him back to sleep.

We are so thankful for those of you who continue to pray for our sweet Sam and his adjustment!  Would you join with us in praying for our sweet boy to experience sweet dreams and a peaceful sleep?

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