Today is a big day around these parts. It's the day we celebrate FOUR years home or as it's affectionately called, "Samiversary." So, today, we give thanks for a little boy who stole our hearts with one glance at his picture all those years ago.

He's the boy who causes every flower in the yard to shiver on their stems because he picks them all for his Mama. |
He's the boy who paints the cat's tail with White-Out in an attempt to turn her into a skunk. |
He's the boy who prefers the penciled-in look for beards. |
He's the boy who isn't confined to Halloween when it comes to dressing up. |
He's the boy who gives the cat a bath and comes away without a scratch. |
He's the boy who relishes the daily opportunities to practice his sparring skills. |
He's the boy who was sent Special Delivery from Heaven, by way of Korea. |
He's the boy who's always good for a laugh.
And, he's the boy who's a constant source of encouragement to his imperfect parents.
Sam, being your parents is the greatest joy of our life. We are thankful that God gave us the best little boy on the planet to be ours and can't wait to see how He uses you! Happy Samiversary, sweet boy!!
We're not only celebrating the homecoming of our sweet boy but also the One who's adopted us into His family through the blood of Jesus.
To God be the glory! Great things He has done (and will do)!