Wednesday, July 31, 2013

a group like no other

Jeremy is able to do what many can only dream of--that is taking a passion and making it a career.  Not only is he fortunate enough to be able to play music for a living, he's blessed to have some very ardent supporters.

Although Jeremy's dad, Mark, worked a long day at the paper mill the day of this show, he came to see Jeremy as soon as he got off.  An ardent supporter and proud parent.
Donnie Paul (Jeremy's Papaw) and J.D. (Donnie Paul's lifelong friend) had been awake before the sun rose, but the late showtime did not deter them from coming out to the concert.  They are dedicated in their support of their favorite drummer.
Not pictured here is Robert Earl, Donnie Paul's dear friend and fellow coffee drinker; because he arrived before the gates opened and had not yet met up with the group, he didn't make the photo-op.  He is the very definition of an enthusiastic supporter!

These men meet every single morning at Donnie Paul's to drink coffee and shoot the breeze, and I'm sure the morning after a concert is the most lively as Donnie Paul, Robert Earl, and J.D. give the rest of their coffee drinking pals the play by play of the night before ;).

When we're home, Jeremy usually finds himself present at these early morning visits--laughing at stories of times past and soaking up the wisdom offered from the men he respects so much.  He is most definitely blessed simply by knowing them.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

the biggest update yet

My heart is still rejoicing from the phone call we got Friday morning...the adoption agency called to let us know that we would be in the next group submitted to the government!!  (a big milestone!)

Being submitted to the government means the paperwork will be processed and approved for emigration (necessary for babies to leave the country).  After the government finishes with our paperwork, we'll be given a court date.

Now, we're not sure of the exact day when our group's paperwork will be submitted, but we know it won't be in the next week or anything.  It'll probably be in the next month or so.

The wait continues, and it's difficult to say how much longer it will be since there are so many variables, like how long the government will take to process our paperwork.  However, simply knowing that we're in the next group to be processed makes the waiting easier to bear.  The light at the end of the tunnel has grown a little brighter, and for this we are so very thankful!!

THANK YOU all for continuing to wait with us--praying and encouraging, always when we need it most.

And, thanks be to the One who has called us and who hears our prayers!  His goodness leaves my heart overwhelmed.

"What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to me?" Psalm 116:12

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

keeping the rain cloud away

This time last summer, we were mailing a mountain of paperwork and a chunk of money to the adoption agency.  To say we were happy and excited would be an understatement.  We were still blown away at how God had worked everything together in just the right way & in such a short period of time, and there wasn't a doubt in our minds that He would see this through to the end.  (It's easy to have faith when you're on the mountain-top..)

In the year that's followed, we've had days where our faith has wavered.  Times of wondering if the season of waiting will ever end.  Times filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Times where worry and doubt follow us around like a rain cloud.

During these doubt-filled days, we go back to last summer and the day we mailed the paperwork and money--the day when our faith was so strong.  Going back and remembering this day and all that took place last summer strengthens our wavering faith and causes doubt to vanish.

Being reminded of all that God has done, makes it easier to trust Him for all that He is able do (and will do).  So, I'll continue to revisit these moments many times from now until Sam comes home--the rain cloud will stay away, and my faith will be less likely to waver.

Monday, July 22, 2013

our most anticipated baby

When he comes, throngs of strangers will not be congregated outside the house, hoping for a glimpse of him.

Paparazzi will not be hiding out in every nook and cranny, waiting for their "money shot."

His arrival won't cause every major news station to stop covering serious news stories in order to report every minute detail of his homecoming.

Newspapers won't hold the front page, in case they get a picture of him to put there.

A royal proclamation won't be posted outside the house in a golf-framed easel.

No, none of this will happen when our most anticipated baby comes home.

What will happen when our baby comes home will be better than all of these things.

Family and friends in two states will rejoice for prayers answered, as they clamor for a chance to hold him and squeeze him.

Photographs will be taken to document every possible moment and proudly shown to anyone and everyone.

His arrival will be proclaimed in the small, humble hometown paper.

And, a party to end all parties will be thrown, leaving no doubt that our most anticipated baby has finally, finally come home.

Come home soon, Sam.  We're waiting on you, sweet boy!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

those Saturday nights when I was little

There's something about my mother--she loves Southern Gospel music, particularly the Gaithers and because of this, I spent each Saturday night growing up watching the Gaither Homecoming Hour on t.v.  (Remember the days when there was only one t.v. per household...)

Saturday night Gaither hour wasn't enough for my mother though.  We also had to listen to them in the car, and if she sang in church, you guessed it--she sang a Gaither song.  Trust me when I say that copious amounts of Southern Gospel music filled my childhood**.

You can't have years worth of these experiences and not know all songs Gaither.  So, last Sunday when our choir started singing Because He Lives, I was transported back to those Saturday nights spent watching the Gaithers with my mother.  But, I didn't stay in the past for long.  When they started singing the words, "because I know He holds the future" my mind was back in the present as God used this old, familiar song to remind me of some things--

Because I know He holds the future, I can trust Him during this time of waiting.

Because I know He holds the future, I will trust Him to bring Sam home.

Because I know He holds the future, I can live in his perfect peace--no matter the circumstance.

Because I know He holds the future, my hope is in Him.

**I think my mother and her love of Southern Gospel music are wonderful; both warm my heart :)!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

before and after

For Sam's room, we searched for furniture that we could re-do to make it look exactly how we wanted it.  This meant we didn't really look in fancy furniture stores; instead, we scoured garage sales, thrift stores, craigslist ads, and consignment stores.  After days of this, we finally found the pieces we were looking for, which to the casual observer probably raised some eyebrows, for it was obvious this furniture had seen better days.  Paint was chipping; the stain was old and worn off in places; knobs or other pieces were missing.  But, this didn't deter us because we had a vision for these castaways!  They were going to become something great and look perfect in Sam's room.

To create our vision, we had a lot of work to do.  Work that wasn't going to be very easy.  First, we sanded until we were thought our fingerprints were sanded off.  Hours (and hours) later, covered in dust, and lacking our fingerprints, we were finished with this not quite enjoyable task.  Sanded down to the natural wood, our furniture castaways had been returned to their original glory.  Finally, we were able to paint it and create the perfect pieces for Sam's room.

While spending hours on this furniture, I was thinking of how this resembles what God does with us.  He doesn't care where we come from--fancy furniture store or garage sale; He still desires to make us into something great.  The process isn't usually fun or easy when He applies His sander to us to get rid of all the yucky paint and smooth out the rough spots, but it's more than necessary.  The end result is something beautiful as we become what God intends for us to be.  His before and after is pretty amazing!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

let the decorating begin

Since we started the home study process, we knew what room was going to be "the baby's room."  After finding out about Sam last summer, we've been doing a lot of talking about getting his room ready, but it never went past the talking stage to the doing stage.  Thanks to my very, very dear friend-Megan, we're in the doing stage now!

Megan has generously taken a week out of her normal routine to come stay with us and help with Sam's room.  The creative juices are flowing (with a little help from Pinterest), and we spent the day searching for just the right furniture.  Tomorrow, we'll get started on turning our furniture finds into pieces that are perfect for our sweet boy's room!

And, thanks to Jeremy, Luke, and Tracy, Megan and I won't have to work ugly carpet into the decor ;). A HUGE thank you to Luke and Tracy for helping Jeremy lay the floor!  They didn't just offer tools for the job; they came to help, even after working all day.  We are blessed to have such incredible friends!!!!

The floors they laid look great and will provide a great place for our busy boy to play with trucks, cars, farms, army men, and everything else we can think of.

Tomorrow we start turning one boring thrift store table into a very cool Lego table--so excited!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

the sounds of little people

Our quiet, little house is currently filled with the sounds that are unique only to little people.

Block towers of the tallest height clatter as they crash to the floor.
Rhyming words from Dr. Seuss stories are read repeatedly.
Giggles and squeals of delight from tons of tickles fill the room and bounce off the walls.
Bath-time suddenly turns into playtime, and the sound of water splashing travels down the hall.
The sound of the rocker lulls a sweet little girl (and her Aunt Sarah) to sleep.
Soft snores are heard as the two little people give into sleep after a busy day of play.

These sounds make me smile & cause me to be thankful for the memories being made. heart longs for the day when our house is filled with these sounds because of one certain little person.  Come home soon, Sam.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

teeny tiny bits of news

It seems that S.Korea has finally worked out their new process for adoptions because families are bringing their babies home--wonderful news!!   We're still not sure when we'll travel since there are families "ahead of us in line" who are also waiting.

As more families complete their adoptions, we're able to learn more about the changes resulting from the new law.  In the past, families adopting from SK had to bring their children home and wait nine months before finalizing the adoption over here.  This is no longer the case under the new law. Adoptions will be finalized in SK, so children will become American citizens as soon as the plane lands in America--awesome news!!  This is a change that I'm thankful for because after years of paperwork and waiting, no one wants to wait nine months after bringing their child home before being able to finalize an adoption.

This is all of the "new news" that we know right now.  Nonetheless, it's news to be thankful for since we're a few baby steps closer to bringing our sweet boy home :0)!