Sunday, April 28, 2013

playing football in the twilight zone

An update came this past week about the paperwork process, and instead of making us feel like things are finally moving forward, it left us asking, "why is implementing a new law so difficult?"  We do not understand why those in charge can't make up their minds about the new requirements.  As soon as we get our minds wrapped around one thing, it changes into something else.

Imagine signing up to play football.  You know the rules of the game and have a pretty good idea of what to expect when you get on the field.  But, when the game starts, the officials start changing the rules in the middle of the game.  You are confused but try your best to keep up with the changes; however, that's not good enough because the changes have no rhyme or reason to them, so they are hard to understand.

As crazy as that imaginary football game seems, that is exactly what we're living right now while we wait for our "game officials" to stop changing the rules and settle on a decision.

Our sincere and earnest prayer is that they would remember the children who are waiting--causing them to settle on a process that is quick and efficient.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

feelings fade; trust Him anyway.

On this journey, we've been on the mountain top, and we've spent time in the valley.  Time spent on the mountain top is great; the feelings that God is with us are abundant.  Trusting God during this time is always easier because, after all, we feel that He is there.  Time spent in the valley is more difficult, and those feelings that are so abundant on the mountain top aren't so plentiful in the valley.  I would love to say that trusting God in the valley is just as easy as it is on the mountain top, but the sad truth is that trusting God for the next step in the journey is usually more difficult for us when the feelings of the mountain top have faded.

Right now, it seems as though we're in a long stretch of valley, waiting and waiting to get out of the maze of red tape that currently has us ensnared.  This time in the valley is where our faith is stretched and grown, and we learn to trust God without relying on feelings.  So, even though the time in the valley is sometimes painful, we'll cling to God's truth and know that He is with us.

Monday, April 22, 2013

with hearts full of gratitude

Last night, after a conversation with one of the sweetest ladies* at our church, I was reminded once again of how many people are praying for our Sam.  And, no matter how many times I'm reminded of this, it blows me away every single time.

To our dear friends and family who are walking alongside us on this journey:
Thank you for the encouraging words that you give.  They are always timely and effective.
Thank you for your care and concern.  Both mean more than you know.
Thank you for dreaming with us.  What a day it'll be when those dreams are realized!
Thank you for not only sharing in the exciting times but for also being there during the difficult times.
Thank you for loving the little boy who has stolen our hearts :).
Thank you for storming the gates of Heaven with your prayers.  Our God hears, and He will answer!

Because of each one of you, Jeremy and I are better able to make it through the ups and downs of this crazy process known as adoption.  Going through life with such wonderful people is a beautiful thing!

(*A special thank you to Ms. Gladys--not only is she one of the sweetest ladies in our church, she is a wonderful encourager who understands our heart for adoption like no other.  What a blessing you are to us, Ms. Gladys!)

Friday, April 19, 2013

thoughts from our viewing of STUCK

Last night, we went to see STUCK--the documentary that was made to highlight the millions of children stuck in orphanages and the families who are stuck in government red tape trying to adopt.  STUCK left us more determined than ever to answer God's call in James 1:27.

The film provides a close-up view of what life is like when you're an adoptive family riding the emotional roller coaster known as international adoption, but more difficult to see is the close-up view of the harsh reality facing the millions of children who spend their days in orphanages.

By the end of the film, my mind was reeling, and my heart was overwhelmed.  Images from it haunted my thoughts during the drive home--images of children laying in cribs that they had obviously outgrown years before; images of children digging in the trash, hoping to find something to eat; images of a baby sleeping on the floor while a caregiver steps over him without even glancing down.

The picture painted from these images is painful to look at, and when I finally gather enough courage to look, the picture that I see shatters my heart.  It's tempting to protect my heart by putting this out of my mind and losing myself in the distractions of every day life, but this is not to be.

It's not to be because God doesn't call us to self-preservation.  Instead, He calls us to love extravagantly, no matter the risk to our hearts and feelings of comfort. Looking after the orphan and defending the fatherless requires loving extravagantly.  Looking after the orphan and defending the fatherless is a call that weighs heavily on our hearts, but it is also a call that drives us forward and keeps us fighting through the red tape we find ourselves in as we wait for Sam.

(Please, don't read this and think, "that's so good that God has called them to care for orphans."  If you're a Christian, God has called YOU to look after the orphan, too. Ask Him what He would have you do.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

good story, good memories, good stuff

For those of you that see me leave the church library each Sunday with a stack of books, it's obvious that I love a good story.  The best stories, though, are those that have your loved ones as characters.

Jeremy's story of music is one that I know well, especially since I've had the privilege of living a lot of it with him.  This familiar story is a testament to God's hand on our lives.  I had no intention of marrying a musician and moving out of Quitman, LA.  But, the One who writes our stories had a different plan as He joined the story of someone who didn't want to leave her hometown with the story of a drummer who wanted to move to Nashville.  God has guided our steps and led us to places that we never imagined!  So, needless to say, we're excited about the rest of the story!

 It's a joy to hear Jeremy tell his story in the Listen Up podcast.  If you haven't done so already, check it out.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  Proverbs 16:9

P.S.  Below is a page from the little white book that Jeremy mentioned in his interview. The pictured page is my favorite, which says, "My friend Chris is in the road crew.  My brother not only sings, he also drives my truck and buses.  I have my own stage and bright light.  My band is called country feathers.  I have 4 trucks, two buses, and two cars."  Now, that is definitely written by someone destined for the music business :0)!

Monday, April 15, 2013

looking forward to the finished version

Remember the CD that was being worked on to raise money for the adoption??  The unfinished version has been waiting (on the back burner of life) to be mixed, so it could be produced and sold.  But, God has continually put it on our hearts--finish it, finish it, finish it.

After talking to Jeremy about it yesterday, he got on his phone today to call up a few good friends that just happen to have some amazing talents.  These amazingly talented friends have agreed to help us finish what was started sometime ago, and we are so thankful and excited!

Once it's finished, we will be able to share it with the public!  And the money will not go towards our adoption.  You read that right--God has blessed us beyond measure by providing for our adoption.  Therefore, all of the money from the sale of the CD will go into a fund (ministry) for adoption/orphan care.  

Right now the fund (ministry) is just a small vision in our hearts, but Jeremy and I are trusting God to reveal more as we go along.  We are eagerly anticipating what God will do as we seek to answer His call in James 1:27.  As God makes this more clear, I will gladly share the details.

Join with us in praying that the CD will come to a completed state and that God's wonderful name will be honored.  It is because of Him that we do what we do!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

STUCK: It's more than a documentary. It's a love story.

Jeremy and I are stuck; however, we're not alone.  There are many other families in similar situations, just as stuck as we are.  And, sadly, there are millions of children around the world that are stuck.

Stuck families are families who are waiting for the children they love to come home.  Stuck families spend months and years jumping through hoops, submitting multiple pieces of paperwork, and riding an emotional roller coaster while waiting to adopt their sweet babies.
Stuck children are in orphanages all over the world waiting for families.  Stuck children spend months and years in orphanages missing out on the love and care provided by forever families.

Our being stuck is the result of an international adoption system that is full of bureaucracy and red tape; it's a situation that, at times, seems unchangeable and hopeless.  When we start talking in terms of government red tape and international countries' rules and regulations, it seems that we're hopelessly stuck.

Thankfully, there are people trying to change the system so families and children don't stay stuck in a maze of red tape.  Both Ends Burning is a non-profit that works to promote adoption.  They have made a documentary (called STUCK), which follows three adopting families as they struggle through the endless red tape to bring their children home. STUCK's purpose is to raise awareness of the problems with the current system that keep millions of children in orphanages and to effect change that will unite these children with families.

Next Thursday, April 18th at 6:30, join us at Fellowship Church in Nashville for a viewing of this film.  Visit the websites above (by clicking on Both Ends Burning and/or STUCK) to watch the film's trailer, buy tickets, purchase the film, or sign the petition.

(If the links don't work, do a google search for STUCK.)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

that long forgotten little hole in the floor

A few weekends ago, I noticed that our cats were acting crazy each time they got near the fireplace--hissing and carrying on before tearing off down the hall at breakneck speed.  I remember asking Jeremy to make sure there wasn't a mouse hiding in the fireplace.  That was Friday night.  Saturday rolled around, and the cats were still acting weird.  Jeremy promised to get a mouse trap.  Sunday came and brought with it a nasty surprise--a snake!  And, it was laid out on the floor in front of the fireplace as if it owned the place!  Of course, this sent me into a frenzy and (thankfully) sent Jeremy into take charge mode. {That husband of mine really is wonderful.}

Turns out the snake found a (long forgotten) little hole in the floor under the fireplace and had used that opening to invite himself into our house--invading our space and peace of mind.  Needless to say--because of Jeremy's awesome snake-killing skills, the hole is now repaired, and our house is snake-free.

I'm thinking that this is the way it happens when fear, doubt, worry, and sin creep into our lives.  It happens when we get distracted by things that don't matter and forsake spending time in God's word and His presence; thus, creating small cracks and holes in the guard around our hearts.  Fear, doubt, worry, and sin use these cracks to invite themselves into our lives--causing us to forget our purpose and stealing our peace of mind.  So, let's board up the cracks and holes with God's word and enjoy the peace and joy that comes  as a result.