Well, December is certainly turning out different than we expected, and it definitely doesn't feel like Christmas is days away! In between the lights, decorations, and presents, we're spending our time praying and hoping our favorite family member gets well. Needless to say, our hearts don't feel much like celebrating anything. Thankfully, though, the reason for celebrating Christmas isn't based on how we feel. The reason for Christmas is the greatest love story of all time, the One who came as Savior of the world. So, this Christmas the celebration will look different, but it won't change the reason for the celebration.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
5 weeks and counting
FIVE weeks!! We have five weeks before we travel to SK!! While my excitement is mounting with each passing day, nerves are also taking hold. I've worn out my knees praying for this day to come, and now that's it's almost here, I'm nervous! What will I say to his foster mom and the social worker? How will we answer the judge's questions? What will the judge think of us? Will there be any snags along the way with the court or paperwork? What if Sam takes one look at us and runs the other way? On and on it goes in my head...
Jeremy told me one time that I make up stuff to worry about, and I must say that he's probably right (don't tell him I said that). The problem is I can't seem to stop from worrying about these things..sounds crazy, I know! I'm certainly don't want to spend the next five weeks worrying, so I have to turn all of this over to the Father. After all, He is the One in whom we trust. Pray for me to do just that, would you?
"The more you pray, the less you'll panic. The more you worship, the less you'll worry.." Rick Warren
Monday, December 2, 2013
Time to pack our bags....we're going to South Korea!!!
The news we've been waiting for came today....we have a court date!!!!!! We were hoping it would be before the end of December, but it didn't work out that way (totally okay though). Instead, we'll travel to SK in January, which actually will allow for much cheaper tickets--a huge plus.
Our court date is the 21st, so we'll fly over there about a week before. This will allow time for us to take care paperwork for the agency in SK, and it'll give us time to meet our sweet Sam!!
There's so much to do and prepare, but I can't seem to gather my thoughts long enough to begin doing anything because this still seems so surreal.
To all of you who are praying for us and anxiously waiting with us to welcome Sam home, BLESS YOU. Jeremy and I love all of you and are so thankful for your love and support!
"To God be the glory, great things He has done!"
Our court date is the 21st, so we'll fly over there about a week before. This will allow time for us to take care paperwork for the agency in SK, and it'll give us time to meet our sweet Sam!!
There's so much to do and prepare, but I can't seem to gather my thoughts long enough to begin doing anything because this still seems so surreal.
To all of you who are praying for us and anxiously waiting with us to welcome Sam home, BLESS YOU. Jeremy and I love all of you and are so thankful for your love and support!
"To God be the glory, great things He has done!"
Sunday, November 17, 2013
deliver to: our sweet sam
There are several families in our adoption agency who are preparing to travel for court or to pick up their babies. As we wait for our travel date, we're realizing all of the things that we'll need to take with us. (When traveling overseas, I wonder if there's such a thing as "traveling light.") This realization makes us even more thankful for the families who have gone before us and generously offered space in their luggage for our gallon-sized gifts. Their generosity makes it possible for us to send gifts to Sam, and for that, we're so grateful.
Here's another gallon-sized gift headed your way, sweet boy! Depending on these small gifts to show you love won't last much longer because we'll be coming to love on you in person! Until then...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Paperwork submitted to court!!!! Woohoo!!!!
Our paperwork was submitted to court today :0)! We're so very thankful for the continued progress, especially after enduring months of waiting for the smallest something to happen. It seems like we're finally on the downhill slide with the end in sight.
Being submitted to court means a judge will review the paperwork and then schedule a court date. This part of the process is expected to take a few weeks. (We're praying for it to happen quickly and without delay.)
For all you amazing prayer warriors, who are storming the gates of heaven on our behalf, join with us in praying for a few things specific to this step in the process:
-for the judge's review to go quickly and smoothly.
-for a court date to be issued soon.
-for us to travel for court before the end of the year.
Thank you for your prayers, love, and support!! I'm continually blown away by your kindness to us during this time!
And, to the One who has called us and placed us on this journey, may all glory go to You! Thank you for hearing the cries of our hearts and answering us when we call!
Being submitted to court means a judge will review the paperwork and then schedule a court date. This part of the process is expected to take a few weeks. (We're praying for it to happen quickly and without delay.)
For all you amazing prayer warriors, who are storming the gates of heaven on our behalf, join with us in praying for a few things specific to this step in the process:
-for the judge's review to go quickly and smoothly.
-for a court date to be issued soon.
-for us to travel for court before the end of the year.
Thank you for your prayers, love, and support!! I'm continually blown away by your kindness to us during this time!
And, to the One who has called us and placed us on this journey, may all glory go to You! Thank you for hearing the cries of our hearts and answering us when we call!
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Happy Birthday, Sam!!
Today is your day--happy birthday, sweet boy! It's hard to believe that I've carried you in my heart since you were a baby, and now you're TWO. Even though you're not here to celebrate, I pray you have a wonderful day, filled with fun and excitement. We're counting down to the day we bring you home--oh, what a celebration that will be! Until then...
Today is your day--happy birthday, sweet boy! It's hard to believe that I've carried you in my heart since you were a baby, and now you're TWO. Even though you're not here to celebrate, I pray you have a wonderful day, filled with fun and excitement. We're counting down to the day we bring you home--oh, what a celebration that will be! Until then...
Monday, November 4, 2013
BIG News: paperwork released, EP received!!!
November started off with news we've been waiting and praying for--our paperwork has been released from the SK government!!! This means that Sam was given Emigration Permission (EP), which allows him to receive a visa to leave the country. Receiving EP is a very big step, and we're thankful that we've finally reached this point! We are so much closer to bringing our Sam home!!
In case you're wondering what's next...the next step is receiving a court date. Our paperwork has left the government and will be submitted to the court. The court officials will give us a court date, and we'll travel for the first time to attend court and meet our boy :). We all know by now that this adoption journey has timelines that are tentative at best, so to say when all this will happen is a little difficult. As things stand now, we should receive a court date within the month. (Not travel within a month but find out when we'll travel)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers on our behalf! Without your prayers, support, love, and encouragement this journey would be much more difficult; we are truly blessed by to have such wonderful friends and family. Blessings to you!
In case you're wondering what's next...the next step is receiving a court date. Our paperwork has left the government and will be submitted to the court. The court officials will give us a court date, and we'll travel for the first time to attend court and meet our boy :). We all know by now that this adoption journey has timelines that are tentative at best, so to say when all this will happen is a little difficult. As things stand now, we should receive a court date within the month. (Not travel within a month but find out when we'll travel)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers on our behalf! Without your prayers, support, love, and encouragement this journey would be much more difficult; we are truly blessed by to have such wonderful friends and family. Blessings to you!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
feeling guilty no more
From the pictures we have of Sam, several things are apparent. He's well-fed, happy, healthy, and loved, which we are so very thankful for! Sometimes though when I look at these pictures, I feel guilty--guilty for taking him away from everything he knows, guilty for taking him away from a woman who loves and cares for him, guilty for the grief he'll experience.
Last Tuesday, I met some pretty awesome adoptive moms. We had a wonderful time getting to know one another and talking about our favorite little people. But, the best part of the night was the prayer one mom offered on my behalf because it unexpectedly wiped away those secret feelings of guilt.
In her prayer, she asked God to let Sam know that we're coming for him and will give him what's missing--a forever family. What a wonderfully sweet prayer! Bringing Sam home will be difficult, causing him to grieve for all that he's lost, but it will also mean that he's come home to a mom and dad who will love and care for him all the rest of our days.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Mans Best Friend!
Well, I
figured I was due for a blog post/letter to Sam. This has been on my mind for a few days.
Sam, every
little fella needs a dog. Not just any dog but a good outside, play & wrestle with,
follow you around protector kind of dog. When I was young I had a Australian Sheppard
named Lady. I would play with her every day and she would follow me everywhere
I went on my bike and stay with me until I came home. If I had stayed at a friend's
house down the road, she would stay at their front door until I walked out. Every person
in our family has and will always had dogs. Its a part of our family. I was really hoping you would get
to know and play with Splash. She was my buddy, I've had her since just before
Sarah and I got married. No matter what biblical scholars may say, I hope the ole
saying is true and that all dogs go to heaven. I've never had a dog like
Splash she was very special to Sarah and I. When we moved to Tennessee she came with us and lived in our apartment.
Sarah would say when I started going on tour Splash would not eat for days and
sleep in front of the door waiting for me to get home. When we moved into our first house from the apartment
Splash got to move outside and live in a large pen with a shop/barn as shelter.
She loved being outside after living inside for 5 years. When we bought the
house there was one thing in the shed where Splash would live. It was an old
wooden chair. No one knows this but in addition to feeding and playing the occasional
game of rope (aka tug of war) with her most every day, I would sometimes go sit
in that old chair and talk to her like she was a human. It may sound goofy, but not to me. She would sit beside me
and when I had something on my mind, it always helped just sitting out there
and telling Splash about it. I know she had no idea what I was saying, but she did a
great job of listening.
I tell ya
all this because I want you to know the love and respect having a dog can teach
you. They can teach you many things as a little guy growing up. They can be
your best playmate as you play things like war in the yard. They can be your wrestling partner,
napping partner, and guardian at times. I can't wait for you to experience
those things.
When you get
here we will spend many hours playing with Cain and Pepper the big
Newfoundlands, whom will be bigger than you until you're probably in high
school. And if your anything like me, they will be one of your closest
companions. Remember your dog isn't just a dog, it's your most loyal friend.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
where expectations fade into the background
I had quite a few expectations for this Fall. The colors, temperatures, and activities unique to Fall were going to the be the backdrop for our season of firsts.
There was going to be shopping expeditions to find the perfect costume for the church Harvest Fest.
Birthday party planning was going to be taking place at a frenzied pace.
Saturday morning Panera dates with the cutest little boy on the planet were going to happen.
That same cute little boy, clad in purple and gold, would be cheering for the Tigers alongside his daddy.
The countdown to Christmas would be experienced through the eyes of a two year old.
The transition from family of 2 to family of 3 was supposed to be in full swing.
Fall is here, and with it came a host of unmet expectations. Disappointed doesn't even begin to describe it.
I know I'm not the first, nor the last, person on this planet who has experienced disappointment so deep that an ache develops in one's soul. But, what's the remedy for an ache in the soul? Where do you go when life leaves you weary of waiting for expectations to be fulfilled? What do you do when you feel like a hope deferred is the only kind of hope that you have?
It's to the Father that I must go--taking the disappointments, expectations, and weariness with me. It's here that I'll learn to trust His timing and His plan for our family; only then will my expectations fade into the background as I wait on Him.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
a note for sam
New pictures of your sweet, smiling face came today! Nothing makes our hearts happier than seeing our favorite little boy looking healthy and happy. I was a bit taken aback at how big you look though. That "baby" look all toddlers have is quickly fading in you, and you're looking more and more like a big boy. Of course, this is what's supposed to happen, so you're growing and changing like all children do. But, I must admit that it's bittersweet since we want to have you here with us while you're doing all this changing and growing! There's no telling when we're finally going to get "the call," but I pray everyday that it won't be much longer before I pick up the phone and hear, "It's time to go get your boy." Until that call comes, your daddy and I will continue getting your room ready with all the things needed by little boys :).
The wait for your arrival has been longer than we expected or ever imagined it would be. BUT, there's not anything we would do differently. You are our first choice, the child of our heart, and loved to the moon and back!! We would wait forever if that's what it took to finally be able to bring you home.
Love you, sweet boy!
New pictures of your sweet, smiling face came today! Nothing makes our hearts happier than seeing our favorite little boy looking healthy and happy. I was a bit taken aback at how big you look though. That "baby" look all toddlers have is quickly fading in you, and you're looking more and more like a big boy. Of course, this is what's supposed to happen, so you're growing and changing like all children do. But, I must admit that it's bittersweet since we want to have you here with us while you're doing all this changing and growing! There's no telling when we're finally going to get "the call," but I pray everyday that it won't be much longer before I pick up the phone and hear, "It's time to go get your boy." Until that call comes, your daddy and I will continue getting your room ready with all the things needed by little boys :).
The wait for your arrival has been longer than we expected or ever imagined it would be. BUT, there's not anything we would do differently. You are our first choice, the child of our heart, and loved to the moon and back!! We would wait forever if that's what it took to finally be able to bring you home.
Love you, sweet boy!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
another special delivery for our boy

Although my mind knows that this will come to an end soon and we'll have him home, there are days where my heart can't seem to get on the same page as my mind.
So, while I'm working on getting my mind and heart to come together, here's another gallon-sized gift being sent across the world to a little boy whom we love more than there are words.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
inch by inch, things are moving.
Good news came today for several families who are ahead of us (they're group 3; we're group 5) in the process. Their paperwork has come out of the government, so they are now waiting to receive their court date! Hopefully, this means that we're going to come out of the government soon!
I know that my heart desperately needs the waiting to end soon; we are ready to bring our sweet boy home and would love to do that before he's old enough to enroll in college ;).
We would LOVE to be able to travel for our court date before the year is out. For this to happen, we would need for our paperwork to come out in the next several weeks. Would you join with us in praying specifically for this?
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16
I know that my heart desperately needs the waiting to end soon; we are ready to bring our sweet boy home and would love to do that before he's old enough to enroll in college ;).
We would LOVE to be able to travel for our court date before the year is out. For this to happen, we would need for our paperwork to come out in the next several weeks. Would you join with us in praying specifically for this?
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
"they endure because of the joy to come."
At the risk of sounding like a complete nerd, I'm going to let you in on a little secret about myself....I have a habit of collecting words. (You're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about..keep reading, and I'll explain.)
My little collection of words is made up of words that stir my soul, speak directly to my heart, cause me to laugh, smile, or cry. They are words written together in such a way that they leave me thinking, "Oh, how I wish I had written that!"
Imagine my joy last week when I ran across a sentence that I could add to my collection ;). From the book I was reading, these words jumped out at me--"They endure because of the joy that is to come."
I love this sentence because it's the perfect answer for a question that I get asked a lot---how do you do it??
So, how and why do we endure the emotional roller coaster known as the adoption process; how and why do we wait, while having no exact time for when the waiting will end? They endure because of the joy that is to come.
My little collection of words is made up of words that stir my soul, speak directly to my heart, cause me to laugh, smile, or cry. They are words written together in such a way that they leave me thinking, "Oh, how I wish I had written that!"
Imagine my joy last week when I ran across a sentence that I could add to my collection ;). From the book I was reading, these words jumped out at me--"They endure because of the joy that is to come."
I love this sentence because it's the perfect answer for a question that I get asked a lot---how do you do it??
So, how and why do we endure the emotional roller coaster known as the adoption process; how and why do we wait, while having no exact time for when the waiting will end? They endure because of the joy that is to come.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
some say we've missed it.
Today, someone told me that because of the long wait for Sam, Jeremy and I have missed the "best part."
It's true that we've missed quite a bit--the feel of holding a newborn, middle of the night feedings, teething, crawling, walking, his first word, first haircut, the first time he slept through the night, his whole first year, and the list goes on. Oh, yes, we've missed plenty of things, but we haven't missed the best part because the best is yet to come!
The best part will be when I see him for the first time.
The best part will be when we get off the airplane as we finally bring our sweet boy home.
The best part will be hearing his voice, his laughter, and even his cry.
The best part will be the feeling of finally being able to hold our sweet boy.
The best part will be having our house filled with the sounds and movement of a two year old.
The best part will be found in the years that lay ahead of us.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
14 months of waiting
According to the latest update, there is a family who has received their court date and another family who is getting ready to travel for their baby! Both of these families are, obviously, ahead of us in the "paperwork line."
There's no way to tell how long our paperwork will be in the government. This Thursday it will be three weeks since it was submitted. We are so, so thankful that it has finally been submitted, and we are praying that it moves through the government swiftly. Specifically, I'm praying that we are able to travel for the first time before the end of this year.
The majority of the wait is behind us--14 months of waiting to be exact. I would love to be able to say that it's become easier to bear since we've had so much practice, but that's not the case. The wait is still difficult, with some days being harder than others.
Would you join with us in praying for a few things?
--for our paperwork to be processed quickly and without delay, allowing us to travel before the end of this year.
--for our hearts and minds to have peace during the wait
--for the One who called us to be honored in the way we wait on Him.
There's no way to tell how long our paperwork will be in the government. This Thursday it will be three weeks since it was submitted. We are so, so thankful that it has finally been submitted, and we are praying that it moves through the government swiftly. Specifically, I'm praying that we are able to travel for the first time before the end of this year.
The majority of the wait is behind us--14 months of waiting to be exact. I would love to be able to say that it's become easier to bear since we've had so much practice, but that's not the case. The wait is still difficult, with some days being harder than others.
Would you join with us in praying for a few things?
--for our paperwork to be processed quickly and without delay, allowing us to travel before the end of this year.
--for our hearts and minds to have peace during the wait
--for the One who called us to be honored in the way we wait on Him.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
a call to prayer
This week, I stumbled upon one of the most heartbreaking news stories I've ever read. Buried deep between the latest celebrity gossip and the weird, odd news stories on Yahoo, was a story about American families using the internet to "re-home" (read: abandon) their adopted children.
The details in this news story are disturbing and heartbreaking. Reading them filled me with anger and sorrow at the same time--anger at those who call themselves parents and sorrow for those helpless children. How can these people pass a home study process and be qualified to adopt in the first place? Are countries so desperate for families for their older children that they are taking anyone with a pulse? Who, in their right mind, would do something like this to children, just give them away like you give away an animal or piece of furniture? What must these children think after praying for a family but being placed with crazy people posing as a loving family? Where are the adoption agencies, who are supposed to be providing post-placement support?
Let this news story be a call to prayer for the millions of children in this world who need homes. They are waiting for families to step forward and commit to loving them for a lifetime. Join with me in praying for these children and the families who will step forward to adopt them.
The details in this news story are disturbing and heartbreaking. Reading them filled me with anger and sorrow at the same time--anger at those who call themselves parents and sorrow for those helpless children. How can these people pass a home study process and be qualified to adopt in the first place? Are countries so desperate for families for their older children that they are taking anyone with a pulse? Who, in their right mind, would do something like this to children, just give them away like you give away an animal or piece of furniture? What must these children think after praying for a family but being placed with crazy people posing as a loving family? Where are the adoption agencies, who are supposed to be providing post-placement support?
Let this news story be a call to prayer for the millions of children in this world who need homes. They are waiting for families to step forward and commit to loving them for a lifetime. Join with me in praying for these children and the families who will step forward to adopt them.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
a wonderful group of people
My day was made this morning simply by being with our church family again. After being gone for two Sundays, I was excited to worship with them this morning. But, our Sunday School class made an already great day even better when they surprised us with a showering of gifts for Sam!
Not only are Jeremy and I thankful for the wonderful things they gave us this morning for Sam, we are so thankful for the unwavering support they've given us during this very long journey. This is a group who has cried with us and rejoiced with us; they have prayed over us and for us; they have given of their time and money to help in so many ways, and they are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our sweet boy. This group has gone above and beyond in their support, and it blows us away!
To our friends in the Marriage & Family Class, you are the very BEST! It is a privilege to study God's word with you each week and live it out together! We love you and can't wait for Sam to know and love you, too!!
Not only are Jeremy and I thankful for the wonderful things they gave us this morning for Sam, we are so thankful for the unwavering support they've given us during this very long journey. This is a group who has cried with us and rejoiced with us; they have prayed over us and for us; they have given of their time and money to help in so many ways, and they are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our sweet boy. This group has gone above and beyond in their support, and it blows us away!
To our friends in the Marriage & Family Class, you are the very BEST! It is a privilege to study God's word with you each week and live it out together! We love you and can't wait for Sam to know and love you, too!!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
what I want sam to know
Tragedy is, unfortunately, a part of life. It sneaks up on people and changes their "normal." This is what's happened to a family I know through school, and my heart breaks for a mother and son living out a new normal. It also makes me think of Sam--how I would I react, what would I tell him, how would I help his heart heal?? There aren't any easy answers to those questions..
Oh, sweet, Sam,
Life can be hard, and it's far from fair. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people for seemingly no reason at all. It's times like these when you'll wonder where God is or why He would allow such things. These are questions that most everyone has at some point, and they're questions that indicate a fork in the road of life. God is always present, even when it doesn't seem like it. When tragedy hits, it's not because God has taken a break or left you. Like a fork in the road, there are only two options here: God is always with us or He's not. What you believe here will dictate how you respond to everything around you and determine what direction you head on the road of life.
As for why God allows certain things, I don't know. But, go back to that fork in the road; there are only two options here: God is in control and will work all things for our good or He is not in control and can't keep bad things from happening. If you believe that God is in control, then you will be able to better survive the hard times in life. You may not always understand them, but trust that God will, one day, make all things right. This will give you a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.
I don't know how to explain answers to all the hard questions in life, but I know that what God's word says is always true--He is always with us and He works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Don't let the tragedies and hardships of life cause you to distance yourself from your Heavenly Father. Draw near to Him in all circumstances, and He will give you the peace that you seek.
Love you, sweet boy, more than you know!
Oh, sweet, Sam,
Life can be hard, and it's far from fair. Sometimes, bad things happen to good people for seemingly no reason at all. It's times like these when you'll wonder where God is or why He would allow such things. These are questions that most everyone has at some point, and they're questions that indicate a fork in the road of life. God is always present, even when it doesn't seem like it. When tragedy hits, it's not because God has taken a break or left you. Like a fork in the road, there are only two options here: God is always with us or He's not. What you believe here will dictate how you respond to everything around you and determine what direction you head on the road of life.
As for why God allows certain things, I don't know. But, go back to that fork in the road; there are only two options here: God is in control and will work all things for our good or He is not in control and can't keep bad things from happening. If you believe that God is in control, then you will be able to better survive the hard times in life. You may not always understand them, but trust that God will, one day, make all things right. This will give you a peace and joy that surpasses all understanding.
I don't know how to explain answers to all the hard questions in life, but I know that what God's word says is always true--He is always with us and He works all things together for the good of those who love Him. Don't let the tragedies and hardships of life cause you to distance yourself from your Heavenly Father. Draw near to Him in all circumstances, and He will give you the peace that you seek.
Love you, sweet boy, more than you know!
Monday, September 2, 2013
a package for Sam
Another family from our agency is traveling this month for their court date, and they've generously offered to take packages to all the waiting babies.
It is always a joy to shop for Sam although it would much more fun if we weren't limited by size and weight ;). We know it won't be much longer before the size and weight of gifts won't matter.
My heart is still rejoicing at the wonderful news we received Thursday. The light at the end of the tunnel, that once seemed so dim, is now shining brighter than ever. For this, we are so thankful!
It is always a joy to shop for Sam although it would much more fun if we weren't limited by size and weight ;). We know it won't be much longer before the size and weight of gifts won't matter.
My heart is still rejoicing at the wonderful news we received Thursday. The light at the end of the tunnel, that once seemed so dim, is now shining brighter than ever. For this, we are so thankful!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
BIG news--paperwork has been submitted!!!!!
Yesterday, after emailing back and forth with our adoption agency, I was expecting our paperwork to not be submitted for awhile yet. We left it with her agreeing to keep trying to find out as much she could about timelines, and for me to keep praying for a speedy submission...
So, this morning when I saw her number on my caller id, my heart skipped a beat or two---"Was something wrong with Sam??" "Is there a problem with the paperwork??" No to both, for it was good news she was calling to deliver! Our paperwork was submitted to the government this morning!!!!!! Of course, I turned into a teary, babbling, hot mess, but she didn't seem to mind :).
Here's what that means:
-The government will process our paperwork and issue EP (emigration permission), which will allow Sam to leave the country.**This is where we are as of this morning.**
-After the government finishes their part, we'll be issued a court date.
-We'll travel to appear in court.
-Once we appear in court, we'll come back over here and wait.
-Then, we'll travel to bring our boy home!!
Now, this won't all happen within a month or anything. It's actually difficult to nail down a timeline, but we're trusting God to bring all this about quickly and smoothly.
It can never be said enough--thank you, thank you, thank you for walking alongside us! Your encouragement, support, and prayers have carried us through these long days of waiting. We love each and everyone of you!!
And, to our Heavenly Father, who has called us, may all the glory go to You!
"But certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer." Psalm 66:19
So, this morning when I saw her number on my caller id, my heart skipped a beat or two---"Was something wrong with Sam??" "Is there a problem with the paperwork??" No to both, for it was good news she was calling to deliver! Our paperwork was submitted to the government this morning!!!!!! Of course, I turned into a teary, babbling, hot mess, but she didn't seem to mind :).
Here's what that means:
-The government will process our paperwork and issue EP (emigration permission), which will allow Sam to leave the country.**This is where we are as of this morning.**
-After the government finishes their part, we'll be issued a court date.
-We'll travel to appear in court.
-Once we appear in court, we'll come back over here and wait.
-Then, we'll travel to bring our boy home!!
Now, this won't all happen within a month or anything. It's actually difficult to nail down a timeline, but we're trusting God to bring all this about quickly and smoothly.
It can never be said enough--thank you, thank you, thank you for walking alongside us! Your encouragement, support, and prayers have carried us through these long days of waiting. We love each and everyone of you!!
And, to our Heavenly Father, who has called us, may all the glory go to You!
"But certainly God has heard; He has given heed to the voice of my prayer." Psalm 66:19
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
for our boy
I wish I could tell you that being adopted is easy and that no struggles will come because of it. Unfortunately, sweet boy, this is not the truth. Being adopted will not always be easy, and there will be times when struggles arise because of it. Know that your dad and I will do everything possible to help you carry any burden you may have.
One of the struggles that may result will come in the form of questions people ask you. These questions may come from kids or adults, and they may or may not be well-intentioned. Your dad and I won't always be able to follow you around and help you over hurdles; as you get older, you will gradually become more and more independent. So, we want you to be prepared for the hard questions that may come your way and confident that you can handle it.
Some questions that you may hear are:
"Why didn't your real mom keep you?" or "Is that your real mom?"
Just reading these questions, makes my heart hurt, so I can't imagine how they would make you feel. The best responses to these questions are--"that's private, and I don't have to tell you." As for me being your real mom or not, ask them if they think I'm pretend. (Last time I checked, I am a real person.) Really, though, you don't have to answer at all. It's totally okay to walk away without saying anything.
"My parents said adoption is expensive. How much did you cost?"
The truth is, Sam, that adoption is expensive, but don't ever let that make you feel guilty or bad in any way. Nothing in this world comes without great cost, and you are worth it all!! Again, don't feel like you have to answer this. You can walk away without answering, or you could tell them that it's impolite to talk about money matters according to your Southern, manners-loving mother. ;)
"Wow, your parents couldn't have children of their own. That's sad."
The only answer for this is that YOU ARE OUR VERY OWN. I want you to know that deep down in your soul and cling to it whenever someone asks you a question like this. Children do not have to be biological to be someone's "own." You could answer telling them that, or of course, you could just walk away.
"Why don't you look like your mom or dad?"
The long and short of this is that we're white and you're Asian. Don't be ashamed of your heritage; you were uniquely created by God for a purpose, and you were created in His image the same as us. You could answer by saying that you're adopted, or you got it--you could just walk away.
"Is that your real sister/brother?"
Only God knows if you're going to have a sister/brother, and if He does bless you with one, I guarantee it will be a real sibling. I've never known of him handing out pretend siblings. Remember, biology does not dictate "realness."
"What are you?"
I would reply, "well, I'm a child, of course." But, this is not what they're meaning. They want to know your race when they ask this. Again, I want you to be proud of your heritage and the fact that you're Korean; however, if you don't want to share that, you don't have to. You could tell them that you were born in Korea and only speak Southern, and/or you could shoot a few fun facts about Korea at them to take the focus off them asking private questions and put it on something easier to talk about. As always, never feel obligated to answer.
With everything in me, I want to shield you and protect you from the difficult things in life, but God doesn't want us to parent that way. He doesn't parent His children that way either. Instead, He loves us through the good times and bad; He's a constant source of strength and help; He's our strong tower when we need it most. Your dad and I will do our best to parent the way God does. We will be a source of strength and help for you. We'll be a refuge and strong tower when you need it. And, most of all, we'll lead you to the One who is a refuge like no other!
Love you, sweet boy, more than you know!
much in common
The journey of adoption can be an emotional roller coaster where you experience unexpected twists and turns that leave you feeling weary and alone, like you're the only rider. Needless to say, meeting those who are traveling similar journeys is good for the soul. Last night, I was blessed by meeting others who are traveling this journey and eagerly waiting for their babies to come home.
Although we all started the journey for different reasons and have details unique to our particular stories, there are many things we have in common.
We are all in love with the children of our hearts and desperately want them home.
Our faith is being stretched by the many unknowns and lack of control that we have in this process; our only hope is in the Lord.
While others are experiencing their babies' milestones first hand, we are reading about ours on progress reports that never seem to come often enough.
Most of the time, our minds are halfway around the world, thinking about the babies who have stolen our hearts.
We struggle with the difficulty of waiting and try not to show it when the waiting gets to us and turns us into one big hot mess.
Time spent on our knees, storming the gates of heaven with prayers for our babies is time we consider well spent.
Today, I am thankful for these women who understand the ups and downs of adoption.
I'm thankful for the One who has called us all and placed us on this journey. May He be honored through our travels.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
look out for the mail
Look out for the mail, sweet boy, and for the package of goodies that are coming your way! May they bring you much joy and put a smile on that sweet face of yours :).
You are a constant presence in our thoughts and always in our prayers! We are praying and expecting you to come home soon. Until then, we'll keep loving you from all the way over here on the other side of the world...
Look out for the mail, sweet boy, and for the package of goodies that are coming your way! May they bring you much joy and put a smile on that sweet face of yours :).
You are a constant presence in our thoughts and always in our prayers! We are praying and expecting you to come home soon. Until then, we'll keep loving you from all the way over here on the other side of the world...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
the blessings of being still
Hurry. It is a word that runs through my mind too much & very often comes out of my mouth.
Hurry up; we can't be late.
I need to hurry and finish this; I have many more things on my to-do list.
Yes, you can tell me about ______, but do so quickly; we need to get started on our assignment.
If I hurry, I can squeeze in a few minutes of "quiet time" to hear what God has to say.
God, can you hurry this period of waiting and bring Sam home already??
Hurrying through life is incompatible with the some of the most precious times in life * holding hands and walking in step with a two year old * patiently waiting while a fiercely independent toddler says, "me do it." * taking time to listen to him as he "reads" the book to mom and dad * extending bath time because he's having so much fun * recognizing opportunities to model for one sweet boy what it looks like to be still and wait patiently on God.
When Sam comes home, I don't want to be so hurried that I miss these precious times with my sweet boy. I want to be still and soak up the love of my Heavenly Father while thanking Him for the joys of motherhood.
What if God is using this period of waiting to eradicate this desire that I have to hurry through life in the name of getting things done?
What if, during this period of waiting, I am supposed to be learning how to be still??
Monday, August 12, 2013
to our amazing traveling companions
Jeremy and I are beyond blessed to have two amazing church families. Both are walking this journey with us and waiting with open arms and hearts for Sam to come home.
Sunday, our TN church family, once again demonstrated how absolutely amazing they are. It was a simple act of gathering around us and beseeching the Heavenly Father on our behalf that left my heart overwhelmed with thankfulness---thankfulness for belonging to such a wonderful group and thankfulness to have so many people praying for Sam's arrival!
It was two years ago this month that we walked into the adoption agency to start a home study. Two years is such a long time to wait, but our wonderful friends and family have not given up. They continue to encourage, support, and pray, which blesses our hearts beyond measure!
What amazing traveling companions we have for this journey!
So, THANK YOU to everyone who is waiting for our sweet boy to come home. Thank you for your words of encouragement, your love and support, and most of all for your prayers!
*A special note to our TN church family--when we moved to TN, we were far from home. We were young and newly married, living in an unfamiliar place. You surrounded us with love and support at a time when we needed it most and became our family here. As a result, we're fortunate to have family in two states :).
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
counting on pictures
Unlike a lot of families who are adopting internationally, we have been blessed to receive monthly pictures and updates about our sweet boy. To say we look forward to this each month is an understatement!
However, the agency in Seoul is so overwhelmed with paperwork right now that they've put a hold on new pictures for the next two months; this will allow them to spend more time on the additional mountain of paperwork being requested of them. So, we won't receive new pictures for August or September :(.
It probably doesn't sound like that big of a deal to most people, but when your only method of knowing your baby is through pictures, you come to depend a great deal on seeing pictures of his face each month.
Will you join with me in praying for some very specific things?
*Pray for the government to continue processing paperwork and for them to process it swiftly and without added delay.
*Pray for the adoption agency in Seoul; they are working very hard on the behalf of many children and families. This new law has caused them to have to crank out a lot of added paperwork, and take it from me--the sped teacher--paperwork eats up tons of time and energy!
*Pray for our paperwork to be submitted very, very soon.
*Continue praying for our sweet boy!
However, the agency in Seoul is so overwhelmed with paperwork right now that they've put a hold on new pictures for the next two months; this will allow them to spend more time on the additional mountain of paperwork being requested of them. So, we won't receive new pictures for August or September :(.
It probably doesn't sound like that big of a deal to most people, but when your only method of knowing your baby is through pictures, you come to depend a great deal on seeing pictures of his face each month.
Will you join with me in praying for some very specific things?
*Pray for the government to continue processing paperwork and for them to process it swiftly and without added delay.
*Pray for the adoption agency in Seoul; they are working very hard on the behalf of many children and families. This new law has caused them to have to crank out a lot of added paperwork, and take it from me--the sped teacher--paperwork eats up tons of time and energy!
*Pray for our paperwork to be submitted very, very soon.
*Continue praying for our sweet boy!
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
a group like no other
Jeremy is able to do what many can only dream of--that is taking a passion and making it a career. Not only is he fortunate enough to be able to play music for a living, he's blessed to have some very ardent supporters.
Although Jeremy's dad, Mark, worked a long day at the paper mill the day of this show, he came to see Jeremy as soon as he got off. An ardent supporter and proud parent.
Donnie Paul (Jeremy's Papaw) and J.D. (Donnie Paul's lifelong friend) had been awake before the sun rose, but the late showtime did not deter them from coming out to the concert. They are dedicated in their support of their favorite drummer.
Not pictured here is Robert Earl, Donnie Paul's dear friend and fellow coffee drinker; because he arrived before the gates opened and had not yet met up with the group, he didn't make the photo-op. He is the very definition of an enthusiastic supporter!
These men meet every single morning at Donnie Paul's to drink coffee and shoot the breeze, and I'm sure the morning after a concert is the most lively as Donnie Paul, Robert Earl, and J.D. give the rest of their coffee drinking pals the play by play of the night before ;).
When we're home, Jeremy usually finds himself present at these early morning visits--laughing at stories of times past and soaking up the wisdom offered from the men he respects so much. He is most definitely blessed simply by knowing them.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
the biggest update yet
My heart is still rejoicing from the phone call we got Friday morning...the adoption agency called to let us know that we would be in the next group submitted to the government!! (a big milestone!)
Being submitted to the government means the paperwork will be processed and approved for emigration (necessary for babies to leave the country). After the government finishes with our paperwork, we'll be given a court date.
Now, we're not sure of the exact day when our group's paperwork will be submitted, but we know it won't be in the next week or anything. It'll probably be in the next month or so.
The wait continues, and it's difficult to say how much longer it will be since there are so many variables, like how long the government will take to process our paperwork. However, simply knowing that we're in the next group to be processed makes the waiting easier to bear. The light at the end of the tunnel has grown a little brighter, and for this we are so very thankful!!
THANK YOU all for continuing to wait with us--praying and encouraging, always when we need it most.
And, thanks be to the One who has called us and who hears our prayers! His goodness leaves my heart overwhelmed.
"What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to me?" Psalm 116:12
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
keeping the rain cloud away
This time last summer, we were mailing a mountain of paperwork and a chunk of money to the adoption agency. To say we were happy and excited would be an understatement. We were still blown away at how God had worked everything together in just the right way & in such a short period of time, and there wasn't a doubt in our minds that He would see this through to the end. (It's easy to have faith when you're on the mountain-top..)
In the year that's followed, we've had days where our faith has wavered. Times of wondering if the season of waiting will ever end. Times filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Times where worry and doubt follow us around like a rain cloud.
During these doubt-filled days, we go back to last summer and the day we mailed the paperwork and money--the day when our faith was so strong. Going back and remembering this day and all that took place last summer strengthens our wavering faith and causes doubt to vanish.
Being reminded of all that God has done, makes it easier to trust Him for all that He is able do (and will do). So, I'll continue to revisit these moments many times from now until Sam comes home--the rain cloud will stay away, and my faith will be less likely to waver.
In the year that's followed, we've had days where our faith has wavered. Times of wondering if the season of waiting will ever end. Times filled with uncertainty and anxiety. Times where worry and doubt follow us around like a rain cloud.
During these doubt-filled days, we go back to last summer and the day we mailed the paperwork and money--the day when our faith was so strong. Going back and remembering this day and all that took place last summer strengthens our wavering faith and causes doubt to vanish.
Being reminded of all that God has done, makes it easier to trust Him for all that He is able do (and will do). So, I'll continue to revisit these moments many times from now until Sam comes home--the rain cloud will stay away, and my faith will be less likely to waver.
Monday, July 22, 2013
our most anticipated baby
When he comes, throngs of strangers will not be congregated outside the house, hoping for a glimpse of him.
Paparazzi will not be hiding out in every nook and cranny, waiting for their "money shot."
His arrival won't cause every major news station to stop covering serious news stories in order to report every minute detail of his homecoming.
Newspapers won't hold the front page, in case they get a picture of him to put there.
A royal proclamation won't be posted outside the house in a golf-framed easel.
No, none of this will happen when our most anticipated baby comes home.
What will happen when our baby comes home will be better than all of these things.
Family and friends in two states will rejoice for prayers answered, as they clamor for a chance to hold him and squeeze him.
Photographs will be taken to document every possible moment and proudly shown to anyone and everyone.
His arrival will be proclaimed in the small, humble hometown paper.
And, a party to end all parties will be thrown, leaving no doubt that our most anticipated baby has finally, finally come home.
Come home soon, Sam. We're waiting on you, sweet boy!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
those Saturday nights when I was little
There's something about my mother--she loves Southern Gospel music, particularly the Gaithers and because of this, I spent each Saturday night growing up watching the Gaither Homecoming Hour on t.v. (Remember the days when there was only one t.v. per household...)
Saturday night Gaither hour wasn't enough for my mother though. We also had to listen to them in the car, and if she sang in church, you guessed it--she sang a Gaither song. Trust me when I say that copious amounts of Southern Gospel music filled my childhood**.
You can't have years worth of these experiences and not know all songs Gaither. So, last Sunday when our choir started singing Because He Lives, I was transported back to those Saturday nights spent watching the Gaithers with my mother. But, I didn't stay in the past for long. When they started singing the words, "because I know He holds the future" my mind was back in the present as God used this old, familiar song to remind me of some things--
Because I know He holds the future, I can trust Him during this time of waiting.
Because I know He holds the future, I will trust Him to bring Sam home.
Because I know He holds the future, I can live in his perfect peace--no matter the circumstance.
Because I know He holds the future, my hope is in Him.
**I think my mother and her love of Southern Gospel music are wonderful; both warm my heart :)!
Saturday night Gaither hour wasn't enough for my mother though. We also had to listen to them in the car, and if she sang in church, you guessed it--she sang a Gaither song. Trust me when I say that copious amounts of Southern Gospel music filled my childhood**.
You can't have years worth of these experiences and not know all songs Gaither. So, last Sunday when our choir started singing Because He Lives, I was transported back to those Saturday nights spent watching the Gaithers with my mother. But, I didn't stay in the past for long. When they started singing the words, "because I know He holds the future" my mind was back in the present as God used this old, familiar song to remind me of some things--
Because I know He holds the future, I can trust Him during this time of waiting.
Because I know He holds the future, I will trust Him to bring Sam home.
Because I know He holds the future, I can live in his perfect peace--no matter the circumstance.
Because I know He holds the future, my hope is in Him.
**I think my mother and her love of Southern Gospel music are wonderful; both warm my heart :)!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
before and after
For Sam's room, we searched for furniture that we could re-do to make it look exactly how we wanted it. This meant we didn't really look in fancy furniture stores; instead, we scoured garage sales, thrift stores, craigslist ads, and consignment stores. After days of this, we finally found the pieces we were looking for, which to the casual observer probably raised some eyebrows, for it was obvious this furniture had seen better days. Paint was chipping; the stain was old and worn off in places; knobs or other pieces were missing. But, this didn't deter us because we had a vision for these castaways! They were going to become something great and look perfect in Sam's room.
To create our vision, we had a lot of work to do. Work that wasn't going to be very easy. First, we sanded until we were thought our fingerprints were sanded off. Hours (and hours) later, covered in dust, and lacking our fingerprints, we were finished with this not quite enjoyable task. Sanded down to the natural wood, our furniture castaways had been returned to their original glory. Finally, we were able to paint it and create the perfect pieces for Sam's room.
While spending hours on this furniture, I was thinking of how this resembles what God does with us. He doesn't care where we come from--fancy furniture store or garage sale; He still desires to make us into something great. The process isn't usually fun or easy when He applies His sander to us to get rid of all the yucky paint and smooth out the rough spots, but it's more than necessary. The end result is something beautiful as we become what God intends for us to be. His before and after is pretty amazing!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
let the decorating begin
Since we started the home study process, we knew what room was going to be "the baby's room." After finding out about Sam last summer, we've been doing a lot of talking about getting his room ready, but it never went past the talking stage to the doing stage. Thanks to my very, very dear friend-Megan, we're in the doing stage now!
Megan has generously taken a week out of her normal routine to come stay with us and help with Sam's room. The creative juices are flowing (with a little help from Pinterest), and we spent the day searching for just the right furniture. Tomorrow, we'll get started on turning our furniture finds into pieces that are perfect for our sweet boy's room!
And, thanks to Jeremy, Luke, and Tracy, Megan and I won't have to work ugly carpet into the decor ;). A HUGE thank you to Luke and Tracy for helping Jeremy lay the floor! They didn't just offer tools for the job; they came to help, even after working all day. We are blessed to have such incredible friends!!!!
The floors they laid look great and will provide a great place for our busy boy to play with trucks, cars, farms, army men, and everything else we can think of.
Tomorrow we start turning one boring thrift store table into a very cool Lego table--so excited!!
Megan has generously taken a week out of her normal routine to come stay with us and help with Sam's room. The creative juices are flowing (with a little help from Pinterest), and we spent the day searching for just the right furniture. Tomorrow, we'll get started on turning our furniture finds into pieces that are perfect for our sweet boy's room!
And, thanks to Jeremy, Luke, and Tracy, Megan and I won't have to work ugly carpet into the decor ;). A HUGE thank you to Luke and Tracy for helping Jeremy lay the floor! They didn't just offer tools for the job; they came to help, even after working all day. We are blessed to have such incredible friends!!!!
The floors they laid look great and will provide a great place for our busy boy to play with trucks, cars, farms, army men, and everything else we can think of.
Tomorrow we start turning one boring thrift store table into a very cool Lego table--so excited!!
Friday, July 5, 2013
the sounds of little people
Our quiet, little house is currently filled with the sounds that are unique only to little people.
Rhyming words from Dr. Seuss stories are read repeatedly.
Giggles and squeals of delight from tons of tickles fill the room and bounce off the walls.
Bath-time suddenly turns into playtime, and the sound of water splashing travels down the hall.
The sound of the rocker lulls a sweet little girl (and her Aunt Sarah) to sleep.
Soft snores are heard as the two little people give into sleep after a busy day of play.
These sounds make me smile & cause me to be thankful for the memories being made.
But...my heart longs for the day when our house is filled with these sounds because of one certain little person. Come home soon, Sam.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
teeny tiny bits of news
It seems that S.Korea has finally worked out their new process for adoptions because families are bringing their babies home--wonderful news!! We're still not sure when we'll travel since there are families "ahead of us in line" who are also waiting.
As more families complete their adoptions, we're able to learn more about the changes resulting from the new law. In the past, families adopting from SK had to bring their children home and wait nine months before finalizing the adoption over here. This is no longer the case under the new law. Adoptions will be finalized in SK, so children will become American citizens as soon as the plane lands in America--awesome news!! This is a change that I'm thankful for because after years of paperwork and waiting, no one wants to wait nine months after bringing their child home before being able to finalize an adoption.
This is all of the "new news" that we know right now. Nonetheless, it's news to be thankful for since we're a few baby steps closer to bringing our sweet boy home :0)!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
happy anniversary to my love, my best friend
Nine years! When did that happen? Aren't we still 19 & 20 year old newlyweds....wait, that's only in my mind, where there's a time warp ;).
Monday, June 24, 2013
209 years of marriage: an incredible feat
In a culture where marriage vows are discarded with surprising ease, we're thankful for those couples who have kept their commitments to one another, even when the storms of life surrounded them. They are beautiful examples of what marriage should be like. God has surrounded Jeremy and me with some of these couples, and we are so thankful He did!!
Lives of ease and comfort have not kept them together. Actually, these couples have not had lives of ease or comfort; they have battled more than their share of storms--financial hardships, serious illnesses, job loss, economic downturns, the challenges that come with raising children, grief and loss of family members. What keeps them together is the love and commitment they share with each other, and a rock solid faith in their Creator.
So, as we get ready to celebrate 9 years of marriage on Wednesday, we say THANK YOU to the One who created marriage and to those who live it out so well for us all!!
Lives of ease and comfort have not kept them together. Actually, these couples have not had lives of ease or comfort; they have battled more than their share of storms--financial hardships, serious illnesses, job loss, economic downturns, the challenges that come with raising children, grief and loss of family members. What keeps them together is the love and commitment they share with each other, and a rock solid faith in their Creator.
So, as we get ready to celebrate 9 years of marriage on Wednesday, we say THANK YOU to the One who created marriage and to those who live it out so well for us all!!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
good news for one family
The first family from our adoption agency is traveling next week to pick up their baby! (Their court date was at the beginning of summer.) We are excited for a bit of good news and are looking forward to more and more families moving through the process as the courts and government implement the new law--of course, we're really looking forward to it being our turn to travel :).
Join with us in praying for them as they travel and for their baby's arrival home. There will be a lot of adjustment for this sweet baby who is in a totally new environment with new faces, sounds, smells, and routines.
This adoption road is not easy, but it's oh, so worth it!
Keep praying, friends!
Join with us in praying for them as they travel and for their baby's arrival home. There will be a lot of adjustment for this sweet baby who is in a totally new environment with new faces, sounds, smells, and routines.
This adoption road is not easy, but it's oh, so worth it!
Keep praying, friends!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
"There's this baby in South Korea.."
Tomorrow will be one year. One year ago, I fell in love with a little boy with fuzzy black hair and almond shaped eyes. That day, one year ago, is a day that I still remember like yesterday; it came out of the blue, taking us by complete surprise.
Jeremy was on the road, and I was in summer house-cleaning mode. There was a $3500 check waiting to be mailed to an adoption agency in Mass., which would have started the process for us to adopt a baby from Russia; mailing the check was on my to-do list for that day. Our house phone rang. It was Stephanie from our adoption agency in Murfreesboro. Her first words to me, "Have you mailed that check? There's this baby in South Korea." My reply, "We want him!!" A few minutes later, I was looking at his picture in our email as my heart promptly melted into a puddle of goo. The love that I felt for him in that moment was immediate and intense; it was the love of a mother toward her child; it's a love that's grown in my heart ever since with a surprising strength. I knew this was the child of my heart whom I had dreamed about for so long. This was the baby God was going to bless our family with. Jeremy text me later that day and said, "Did you think when you woke up this morning that we would be seeing a picture of our baby?" What a beautiful day it was...
Sam, my sweet boy, we loved you when there was just the thought of you and will love you forever. Come home soon!
Jeremy was on the road, and I was in summer house-cleaning mode. There was a $3500 check waiting to be mailed to an adoption agency in Mass., which would have started the process for us to adopt a baby from Russia; mailing the check was on my to-do list for that day. Our house phone rang. It was Stephanie from our adoption agency in Murfreesboro. Her first words to me, "Have you mailed that check? There's this baby in South Korea." My reply, "We want him!!" A few minutes later, I was looking at his picture in our email as my heart promptly melted into a puddle of goo. The love that I felt for him in that moment was immediate and intense; it was the love of a mother toward her child; it's a love that's grown in my heart ever since with a surprising strength. I knew this was the child of my heart whom I had dreamed about for so long. This was the baby God was going to bless our family with. Jeremy text me later that day and said, "Did you think when you woke up this morning that we would be seeing a picture of our baby?" What a beautiful day it was...
Sam, my sweet boy, we loved you when there was just the thought of you and will love you forever. Come home soon!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
not the update that we were hoping for
Sam turned 19 months old this week, so we received new pictures and his latest "stats." He's looking more like a little man every day!
We also received an update on the paperwork process, and I wish that I could tell you things are moving swiftly. Unfortunately, things aren't moving as quickly as we would like (or need) them to. Those in charge of this new process seem unconcerned about the children and families caught up in this web of red tape. Jeremy and I are trying desperately to not get discouraged, but there are days when it seems like there's no end in sight to the waiting. However, we know that none of this has taken God by surprise; He has a plan--which we may not understand completely, but it's a plan that we can trust because He is good.
We also received an update on the paperwork process, and I wish that I could tell you things are moving swiftly. Unfortunately, things aren't moving as quickly as we would like (or need) them to. Those in charge of this new process seem unconcerned about the children and families caught up in this web of red tape. Jeremy and I are trying desperately to not get discouraged, but there are days when it seems like there's no end in sight to the waiting. However, we know that none of this has taken God by surprise; He has a plan--which we may not understand completely, but it's a plan that we can trust because He is good.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
10 years--when did that happen?
To those not in attendance, we missed you! |
Friday, May 24, 2013
i would have been a terrible nurse.
Ten years ago today, I was standing on the brink of adulthood; I was graduating high school!! I stood there with a solid plan of what I was going to do, where I was going to go, and how it was all going to work out. Little did I know how much plans can change...
My "solid" plan turned out to be quite malleable when God took my plan and started shaping it into something very different.
Left to my own plan, I would have been a nurse (with knees that got weak at the sight of blood). I would be married to a prison guard who played music as a hobby (while secretly dreaming of Nashville). I would have a cute little house in my favorite place on Earth. And, I would be perfectly content with life in my small little world.
Thankfully, though, God's plan is better than anything we can dream up or imagine! Because of His goodness and His plan, I use my God-given ability everyday as I teach those funny little creatures known as middle-schoolers. I am married to a former prison guard who plays music professionally (while living his dream of being in Nashville). I have a cute little house near the world of country music and enjoy the times that we go home to my favorite place on Earth. My small little world has been divinely fitted with a global picture window; the view out this window compels me to get outside my comfy spot in the world and be the hands and feet of Christ to a world in need.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Monday, May 20, 2013
gallon-sized gifts

We're looking forward to the day when Sam can open gifts with "normal" wrapping paper and receive gifts that have no weight limit. And, we're counting down 'til we have him here with us, opening all sorts of presents!
Until then, we'll continue sending gallon-sized gifts halfway across the world to the little boy who has stolen our hearts---the little boy whom we love more than a gallon-sized gift can portray.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
a heart overwhelmed by kindness.
Sunday my heart was made happy before I even left my house. {Don't you love when that happens?}
It started with a wonderful surprise from a dear friend and was followed by some of the sweetest text messages ever from some of my favorite people. With a happy heart, I headed to church.
At church, the mothers were recognized like they are every year--husbands, children, or grandchildren go to the front and choose a flower to take back to their mothers. It's a form of organized chaos that is great fun to watch, which is what I was doing when the friends and flowers started coming...not only was I caught totally off-guard, I was blown away by the thoughtfulness of these dear people! Their encouragement, kind words, and love for all three Warrens overwhelms my heart. It leaves my voice box silent and the tear ducts on overdrive.
For everyone who helped make this Mother's Day so unexpectedly special, THANK YOU!! This difficult time of waiting is made easier by each one of you. Know that we are so grateful for your support and love you dearly!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
a Mother's Day surprise
Last week, a package came with a note on the box, telling me not to open it until Sunday. Very curious. This box has been sitting in my living room staring at me for days. My curiosity has been growing and growing, so this morning the first thing I did when I woke up was open that box! Inside was the best Mother's Day surprise ever, from the best friend in the whole wide world! The contents of the box: an airplane survival kit for our trip to Korea--everything that a mom of boys knew we would need, a cute bag with Sam's name on it--to hold all of the stuff required for little people, and the book God Found Us You--a sweet story of adoption that I can't wait to read to Sam.
Amy, our friendship is a constant source of blessing in my life! With a husband working swing shift, your night shifts at the hospital delivering babies, and three busy boys, you still find time to walk so closely with me on this journey. For your understanding, encouragement, thoughtfulness, prayers, and friendship I am so thankful! I can't wait for Sam to know you, Corey, and the boys; what fun we'll all have together!!
P.S. I LOVE everything in the box, even though the card and book made me cry like a crazy person ;).
Sam, I can't wait for the day to tell you the beautiful story of your homecoming and to tell you about the amazing people that are a part of it. Know this, sweet boy, you are fiercely loved by many people!
Friday, May 10, 2013
eighteen months
Today you are 18 months old, which seems a little crazy to me! You are constantly growing and changing, yet right now, we're only able to experience it through pictures. Experiencing these things from afar doesn't change the fact that we already love you more than we could possibly begin to describe!
Our prayer for you today, and everyday, is that you would always know you are our FIRST choice; know that we loved you when there was just the thought of you and will love you forever; and know that God has a plan for your life sweet boy--of course, we're excited to have a front row seat as it unfolds!
~love you~
Today you are 18 months old, which seems a little crazy to me! You are constantly growing and changing, yet right now, we're only able to experience it through pictures. Experiencing these things from afar doesn't change the fact that we already love you more than we could possibly begin to describe!
Our prayer for you today, and everyday, is that you would always know you are our FIRST choice; know that we loved you when there was just the thought of you and will love you forever; and know that God has a plan for your life sweet boy--of course, we're excited to have a front row seat as it unfolds!
~love you~
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
who I'll be praying for this Mother's Day
God has used my journey towards motherhood to fill my heart with an unbelievable amount of love and compassion for women who are waiting.
These are women who may be adopting, or they could be women who are struggling with infertility
women whose hearts are full of love for children that have not yet joined their family
women whose arms ache to hold their babies close
women with thoughts constantly on the children of their hearts-always wondering if they are safe & cared for
women who constantly answer questions like, "are you not able to have kids?" or "when are you going to have kids of your own?"
women who want nothing more than to do bedtime, bath time, and play time
women who crave the sound of little people in their houses--the pitter patter of tiny feet, the squeal of laughter, and the sound of little voices
women who battle a sadness that plagues them because of all that they're missing
women who dream of the day they'll finally meet their children
women who cling to God's promises and desperately seek to trust Him and His plan for their lives.
So, this Mother's Day, I will be praying for waiting mothers everywhere. May they experience peace in abundance, be given strength to endure their seasons of waiting, and know the God of the universe is right beside them.
Monday, May 6, 2013
paperwork and prayer
Another update came today regarding the paperwork process. Thankfully, things are moving forward with the first few families getting ready to travel at the end of this month.
As I read the email update, I couldn't help but think, "what does that mean for us (and the families that accepted referrals after us) if they are just now starting to process those who accepted their referrals at the beginning of 2012?" I mean, it's already halfway through 2013...!!
The answer to this question depends on the quota and the processing time. Based on the quota, we should be processed this calendar year--if the processing time is efficient and timely.
That processing time is such a huge variable because it depends on the government and court officials processing the paperwork without delay.
So, would you join us in praying specifically for these officials? Pray that their hearts are filled with compassion for the children and families who are in limbo; pray that this compassion fuels them to do their jobs quickly and efficiently--allowing children to join their forever families.
"Prayer is where the action is." John Wesley
As I read the email update, I couldn't help but think, "what does that mean for us (and the families that accepted referrals after us) if they are just now starting to process those who accepted their referrals at the beginning of 2012?" I mean, it's already halfway through 2013...!!
The answer to this question depends on the quota and the processing time. Based on the quota, we should be processed this calendar year--if the processing time is efficient and timely.
That processing time is such a huge variable because it depends on the government and court officials processing the paperwork without delay.
So, would you join us in praying specifically for these officials? Pray that their hearts are filled with compassion for the children and families who are in limbo; pray that this compassion fuels them to do their jobs quickly and efficiently--allowing children to join their forever families.
"Prayer is where the action is." John Wesley
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
in all circumstances
When you think of what you're thankful for, do you add disappointments to the list? Yeah, those don't usually make it onto my list either. There is someone that does though, and I heard him on the radio this afternoon.
As I listened, the current period of waiting immediately came to mind, with me easily naming the disappointments--missing Sam's whole first year, not being there to watch him grow and develop, having to love him from afar and know him through pictures.
I tried to thank God for this time of waiting, but the words caught in my throat. I would much rather have the period of waiting over with and thank God for seeing us through to the end. This wouldn't be a problem if God didn't tell us over and over in His word to give thanks--not just when I feel like it but in all circumstances.
So, as I work to get the words that are stuck in my throat unstuck, I will give thanks to the One who uses all things for good--the disappointments of life are no exception.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
playing football in the twilight zone
An update came this past week about the paperwork process, and instead of making us feel like things are finally moving forward, it left us asking, "why is implementing a new law so difficult?" We do not understand why those in charge can't make up their minds about the new requirements. As soon as we get our minds wrapped around one thing, it changes into something else.
Imagine signing up to play football. You know the rules of the game and have a pretty good idea of what to expect when you get on the field. But, when the game starts, the officials start changing the rules in the middle of the game. You are confused but try your best to keep up with the changes; however, that's not good enough because the changes have no rhyme or reason to them, so they are hard to understand.
As crazy as that imaginary football game seems, that is exactly what we're living right now while we wait for our "game officials" to stop changing the rules and settle on a decision.
Our sincere and earnest prayer is that they would remember the children who are waiting--causing them to settle on a process that is quick and efficient.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
feelings fade; trust Him anyway.
On this journey, we've been on the mountain top, and we've spent time in the valley. Time spent on the mountain top is great; the feelings that God is with us are abundant. Trusting God during this time is always easier because, after all, we feel that He is there. Time spent in the valley is more difficult, and those feelings that are so abundant on the mountain top aren't so plentiful in the valley. I would love to say that trusting God in the valley is just as easy as it is on the mountain top, but the sad truth is that trusting God for the next step in the journey is usually more difficult for us when the feelings of the mountain top have faded.
Right now, it seems as though we're in a long stretch of valley, waiting and waiting to get out of the maze of red tape that currently has us ensnared. This time in the valley is where our faith is stretched and grown, and we learn to trust God without relying on feelings. So, even though the time in the valley is sometimes painful, we'll cling to God's truth and know that He is with us.
Monday, April 22, 2013
with hearts full of gratitude
Last night, after a conversation with one of the sweetest ladies* at our church, I was reminded once again of how many people are praying for our Sam. And, no matter how many times I'm reminded of this, it blows me away every single time.
To our dear friends and family who are walking alongside us on this journey:
Thank you for the encouraging words that you give. They are always timely and effective.
Thank you for your care and concern. Both mean more than you know.
Thank you for dreaming with us. What a day it'll be when those dreams are realized!
Thank you for not only sharing in the exciting times but for also being there during the difficult times.
Thank you for loving the little boy who has stolen our hearts :).
Thank you for storming the gates of Heaven with your prayers. Our God hears, and He will answer!
Because of each one of you, Jeremy and I are better able to make it through the ups and downs of this crazy process known as adoption. Going through life with such wonderful people is a beautiful thing!
(*A special thank you to Ms. Gladys--not only is she one of the sweetest ladies in our church, she is a wonderful encourager who understands our heart for adoption like no other. What a blessing you are to us, Ms. Gladys!)
To our dear friends and family who are walking alongside us on this journey:
Thank you for the encouraging words that you give. They are always timely and effective.
Thank you for your care and concern. Both mean more than you know.
Thank you for dreaming with us. What a day it'll be when those dreams are realized!
Thank you for not only sharing in the exciting times but for also being there during the difficult times.
Thank you for loving the little boy who has stolen our hearts :).
Thank you for storming the gates of Heaven with your prayers. Our God hears, and He will answer!
Because of each one of you, Jeremy and I are better able to make it through the ups and downs of this crazy process known as adoption. Going through life with such wonderful people is a beautiful thing!
(*A special thank you to Ms. Gladys--not only is she one of the sweetest ladies in our church, she is a wonderful encourager who understands our heart for adoption like no other. What a blessing you are to us, Ms. Gladys!)
Friday, April 19, 2013
thoughts from our viewing of STUCK
Last night, we went to see STUCK--the documentary that was made to highlight the millions of children stuck in orphanages and the families who are stuck in government red tape trying to adopt. STUCK left us more determined than ever to answer God's call in James 1:27.
The film provides a close-up view of what life is like when you're an adoptive family riding the emotional roller coaster known as international adoption, but more difficult to see is the close-up view of the harsh reality facing the millions of children who spend their days in orphanages.
By the end of the film, my mind was reeling, and my heart was overwhelmed. Images from it haunted my thoughts during the drive home--images of children laying in cribs that they had obviously outgrown years before; images of children digging in the trash, hoping to find something to eat; images of a baby sleeping on the floor while a caregiver steps over him without even glancing down.
The picture painted from these images is painful to look at, and when I finally gather enough courage to look, the picture that I see shatters my heart. It's tempting to protect my heart by putting this out of my mind and losing myself in the distractions of every day life, but this is not to be.
It's not to be because God doesn't call us to self-preservation. Instead, He calls us to love extravagantly, no matter the risk to our hearts and feelings of comfort. Looking after the orphan and defending the fatherless requires loving extravagantly. Looking after the orphan and defending the fatherless is a call that weighs heavily on our hearts, but it is also a call that drives us forward and keeps us fighting through the red tape we find ourselves in as we wait for Sam.
(Please, don't read this and think, "that's so good that God has called them to care for orphans." If you're a Christian, God has called YOU to look after the orphan, too. Ask Him what He would have you do.)
The film provides a close-up view of what life is like when you're an adoptive family riding the emotional roller coaster known as international adoption, but more difficult to see is the close-up view of the harsh reality facing the millions of children who spend their days in orphanages.
By the end of the film, my mind was reeling, and my heart was overwhelmed. Images from it haunted my thoughts during the drive home--images of children laying in cribs that they had obviously outgrown years before; images of children digging in the trash, hoping to find something to eat; images of a baby sleeping on the floor while a caregiver steps over him without even glancing down.
The picture painted from these images is painful to look at, and when I finally gather enough courage to look, the picture that I see shatters my heart. It's tempting to protect my heart by putting this out of my mind and losing myself in the distractions of every day life, but this is not to be.
It's not to be because God doesn't call us to self-preservation. Instead, He calls us to love extravagantly, no matter the risk to our hearts and feelings of comfort. Looking after the orphan and defending the fatherless requires loving extravagantly. Looking after the orphan and defending the fatherless is a call that weighs heavily on our hearts, but it is also a call that drives us forward and keeps us fighting through the red tape we find ourselves in as we wait for Sam.
(Please, don't read this and think, "that's so good that God has called them to care for orphans." If you're a Christian, God has called YOU to look after the orphan, too. Ask Him what He would have you do.)
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
good story, good memories, good stuff
For those of you that see me leave the church library each Sunday with a stack of books, it's obvious that I love a good story. The best stories, though, are those that have your loved ones as characters.
Jeremy's story of music is one that I know well, especially since I've had the privilege of living a lot of it with him. This familiar story is a testament to God's hand on our lives. I had no intention of marrying a musician and moving out of Quitman, LA. But, the One who writes our stories had a different plan as He joined the story of someone who didn't want to leave her hometown with the story of a drummer who wanted to move to Nashville. God has guided our steps and led us to places that we never imagined! So, needless to say, we're excited about the rest of the story!
It's a joy to hear Jeremy tell his story in the Listen Up podcast. If you haven't done so already, check it out.
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9
P.S. Below is a page from the little white book that Jeremy mentioned in his interview. The pictured page is my favorite, which says, "My friend Chris is in the road crew. My brother not only sings, he also drives my truck and buses. I have my own stage and bright light. My band is called country feathers. I have 4 trucks, two buses, and two cars." Now, that is definitely written by someone destined for the music business :0)!
Monday, April 15, 2013
looking forward to the finished version
Remember the CD that was being worked on to raise money for the adoption?? The unfinished version has been waiting (on the back burner of life) to be mixed, so it could be produced and sold. But, God has continually put it on our hearts--finish it, finish it, finish it.
After talking to Jeremy about it yesterday, he got on his phone today to call up a few good friends that just happen to have some amazing talents. These amazingly talented friends have agreed to help us finish what was started sometime ago, and we are so thankful and excited!
Once it's finished, we will be able to share it with the public! And the money will not go towards our adoption. You read that right--God has blessed us beyond measure by providing for our adoption. Therefore, all of the money from the sale of the CD will go into a fund (ministry) for adoption/orphan care.
Right now the fund (ministry) is just a small vision in our hearts, but Jeremy and I are trusting God to reveal more as we go along. We are eagerly anticipating what God will do as we seek to answer His call in James 1:27. As God makes this more clear, I will gladly share the details.
Join with us in praying that the CD will come to a completed state and that God's wonderful name will be honored. It is because of Him that we do what we do!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
STUCK: It's more than a documentary. It's a love story.
Jeremy and I are stuck; however, we're not alone. There are many other families in similar situations, just as stuck as we are. And, sadly, there are millions of children around the world that are stuck.
Stuck families are families who are waiting for the children they love to come home. Stuck families spend months and years jumping through hoops, submitting multiple pieces of paperwork, and riding an emotional roller coaster while waiting to adopt their sweet babies.
Stuck children are in orphanages all over the world waiting for families. Stuck children spend months and years in orphanages missing out on the love and care provided by forever families.
Our being stuck is the result of an international adoption system that is full of bureaucracy and red tape; it's a situation that, at times, seems unchangeable and hopeless. When we start talking in terms of government red tape and international countries' rules and regulations, it seems that we're hopelessly stuck.
Thankfully, there are people trying to change the system so families and children don't stay stuck in a maze of red tape. Both Ends Burning is a non-profit that works to promote adoption. They have made a documentary (called STUCK), which follows three adopting families as they struggle through the endless red tape to bring their children home. STUCK's purpose is to raise awareness of the problems with the current system that keep millions of children in orphanages and to effect change that will unite these children with families.
Next Thursday, April 18th at 6:30, join us at Fellowship Church in Nashville for a viewing of this film. Visit the websites above (by clicking on Both Ends Burning and/or STUCK) to watch the film's trailer, buy tickets, purchase the film, or sign the petition.
(If the links don't work, do a google search for STUCK.)
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
that long forgotten little hole in the floor
A few weekends ago, I noticed that our cats were acting crazy each time they got near the fireplace--hissing and carrying on before tearing off down the hall at breakneck speed. I remember asking Jeremy to make sure there wasn't a mouse hiding in the fireplace. That was Friday night. Saturday rolled around, and the cats were still acting weird. Jeremy promised to get a mouse trap. Sunday came and brought with it a nasty surprise--a snake! And, it was laid out on the floor in front of the fireplace as if it owned the place! Of course, this sent me into a frenzy and (thankfully) sent Jeremy into take charge mode. {That husband of mine really is wonderful.}
Turns out the snake found a (long forgotten) little hole in the floor under the fireplace and had used that opening to invite himself into our house--invading our space and peace of mind. Needless to say--because of Jeremy's awesome snake-killing skills, the hole is now repaired, and our house is snake-free.
I'm thinking that this is the way it happens when fear, doubt, worry, and sin creep into our lives. It happens when we get distracted by things that don't matter and forsake spending time in God's word and His presence; thus, creating small cracks and holes in the guard around our hearts. Fear, doubt, worry, and sin use these cracks to invite themselves into our lives--causing us to forget our purpose and stealing our peace of mind. So, let's board up the cracks and holes with God's word and enjoy the peace and joy that comes as a result.
Turns out the snake found a (long forgotten) little hole in the floor under the fireplace and had used that opening to invite himself into our house--invading our space and peace of mind. Needless to say--because of Jeremy's awesome snake-killing skills, the hole is now repaired, and our house is snake-free.
I'm thinking that this is the way it happens when fear, doubt, worry, and sin creep into our lives. It happens when we get distracted by things that don't matter and forsake spending time in God's word and His presence; thus, creating small cracks and holes in the guard around our hearts. Fear, doubt, worry, and sin use these cracks to invite themselves into our lives--causing us to forget our purpose and stealing our peace of mind. So, let's board up the cracks and holes with God's word and enjoy the peace and joy that comes as a result.
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