Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bro. Donald, pastor extraordinaire

Monday is the first day of October.
The first day of October begins Pastor Appreciation Month.
Start planning now for how you can show your pastor(s) how much you appreciate him.

Bro. Donald has been my pastor since I was a kid, and although we live away from home, we still consider him our pastor.  He is a GREAT preacher, teacher, and friend.  He loves his church family sacrificially and leads us in God's truth.  He  gracefully wears the many hats of ministry.  His partner in ministry, Mrs. Glenda, is right there with him serving, encouraging, and loving all that come across her path.  As we watch them live out the gospel, our faith is strengthened.  (My Bible is full of notes from Bro. Donald's sermons; one of my favorite's is written below.  It was a great reminder to me this summer as God stretched our faith.)

"Faith believes in God's word.
Faith trusts in God's character.
Faith trusts in God's provision." 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Save the Adoption Tax Credit

The Adoption Tax Credit has been offered for years to taxpayers that adopt children--both domestically and internationally.  Because of this tax credit, parents that otherwise couldn't afford adoption have been able to adopt.  This translates to children being taken out of foster care or orphanages and placed with their forever families.

This tax credit is set to expire 12/31/2012.  There are many families that want to adopt but simply can't afford all of the expenses without this credit, so if this credit expires, these families won't be able to adopt.  Children will suffer the most since they will be left in foster homes or orphanages.

Get involved by contacting your Representatives and Senators urging them to support the extension and refundability of this tax credit.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunday Surprise

Sunday we were surprised with a progress report on how Samuel is doing!  He appears to be doing well, and for this we are very, very thankful.  He's eating some solid foods like 'porridge rice, steamed potatoes, and yogurt.'  Using a pincer grasp, standing alone for several seconds, walking with one hand held, and showing an understanding of words are milestones that he's met.  And, of course, he's cuter than ever :0).

There are times when it hits me like a ton of bricks that I'm missing his first year!  It's easy to focus on all the things that I'm missing, but I can't allow myself to stay in that place.  The place that I must stay is at the Father's feet.  It's here where I'll learn more about His character.  It's here where I'll pray for this sweet baby that I love.  It's here where my heart will find peace.  It's here where I will praise the One who has called me.

"The Lord is my strength and my song;
He has become my salvation; 
He is my God, and I will praise Him,
my Father's God and I will exalt Him."
Exodus 15:2

Saturday, September 15, 2012

one quilt, lots of prayers

When school let out in May, I immediately started making a quilt for the baby girl that we expected to be matched with.  I barely had the quilt finished when we got THE CALL that matched us with a baby boy (our sweet Samuel).  I gladly spent the rest of the summer making another quilt. Working on the quilt was the perfect time to pray for our Samuel.
Samuel, I pray that you are safe and protected-
that you are getting the care & nutrition you need to be healthy-that you are experiencing an abundance of  love and affection-that you are read to, sang to, and played with.  I pray for God to prepare your heart for joining your forever family.  I pray for you to know and never doubt how much we love you.  I pray that your journey home will point you towards the One who created you and planned for you to be ours.  I pray that you remember that God knit you together for a purpose.  I pray that you'll always recognize your value and worth.  I pray that you will allow yourself to be led and used by your Creator.  I pray that you will see adoption as a gift from our Heavenly Father.  I pray for you to know the joy and peace that comes only from Him.  I pray for the man that you're going to become.  I pray that you come home soon!  ~love you, sweet boy~

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We want him to be in love with the Savior.

There's a deacon in our church that has been serving as a deacon since 1971!  What has kept him going all these years?  What kept him going during times when he may have wanted to give up?  I think the answer to these questions would be that this sweet man is totally and completely in love with the One that he is serving.

We want Samuel to be so in love with the Savior that the greatest desire of his heart would be to serve Him for all of his days * to be so in love with the Savior that he'll serve Him from the mountain tops and from the valleys * to be so in love with the Savior that the way he serves will point others toward the cross.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

real parents

"Adopting a newborn is better than adopting a toddler.  If you want to be a real parent, you should raise the child from his infancy.  It's the late night feedings, diaper changes that make you a real parent and will cause you to look back in your old age and smile," says one author on a parenting website.

Seriously?!?!  Someone, please, tell me he's joking!!

What makes us REAL parents to Samuel has nothing to do with those early morning feedings and diaper changes.  We are real parents because God put this sweet baby in our family * we are real parents because of the love that we have for him, which is so strong it's at times overwhelming * we are real parents because of our commitment to protect him, provide for him, and care for him no matter what. *

What will cause us to look back and smile in our old age will be more than late night feedings and diaper changes.  We will smile when we think of the beautiful story of his journey home * we will smile when we think of the memories we made as a family * we will smile when we think of the moment that he gives his life to Christ * we will smile when we thank God for allowing us the joy of parenting one of his sweet babies. *

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hey little Fella

So it's time I tell ya about your mom. She writes all these awesome entries about everyone else, and since she is away at school today. I will tell you a little about who your momma is!

She is the most important person in your daddy's life. I cherish her more than any one else in this world. She means the world to me, and she will mean the world to you also. Her love for the Lord will be evident to you in how she raises you as well as lives her life in front of you.  There is no one in this world that could or would be a better mother, teacher, and role model for you.  She will love you through the good days and the bad. She will care for you when you are sick or not.  She will pick up your toys, wash your cloths and clean up after you.  And I know that from experience.  She will make sure that you are raised in the Word of our Lord.  She will teach you how to love unconditionally.  She is beautiful in every way.  Your mom will be the one person you adore and love no matter what.  You will miss her when you are not  with her and you will cherish every minute that you are.

I can't even come close to telling you all the great things about your mother.  Just know that you are one blessed little boy to have her in your life.  Her and I both are very excited and looking forward to the
day you are home with us.

PS she is the best cook I've ever known!!

By the way here is a picture I carry with me when I am gone from home working. Its one of my favorite pictures of her and she is as beautiful today as when this was taken. One day I will give it to you Sam, and I bet it will mean as much to you as it does me!

See ya soon Buddy!

Your old man!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

the giver of adventure, pearls & boots, and partners in crime

 With your Aunt Andy around, you will never lack for fun things to do.  Her 4Runner is always heading toward adventure, and there's a spot in it for you. Her great fashion sense will ensure that you never go on any adventure without the cutest outfits (like pearls & boots), and since she always has a camera at the ready, all these fun times will be documented faithfully.  Most importantly, you will experience her tender heart that gives generously, her readiness to help at a moment's notice, and the special love that comes only from an aunt!

Your partners in adventure (and sometimes crime) will be your cousins, Carson and Annaleese.  They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of "itty bitty Sam."  And, I am looking forward to watching you three form a friendship that will bring joy and carry you through  life.  One thing is for certain; I'm sure y'all will never have a dull moment together :0).

Saturday, September 1, 2012

One of a Kind Nana

You have a fantastic Nana!  She is the kind of Nana that prays for you without fail, loves you unconditionally, models God's word in her daily life, fills your life full of truth, and encourages you in every situation.  She is so excited for you, sweet boy, and I can't wait for you to know her!
"Samuel, I am proud to be your Nana.  I love you.  Welcome to our family.  Love, Nana"